Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Kate Turns 3!

Kate is 3!  It's hard not to say anything cliche, like "I couldn't imagine my life without her," and "How did all that time pass so quickly?" but you use those phrases because one day, you wake up and realize that in two years, your child will be in Kindergarten just like her brother and you will miss her every day the same way you miss her brother, and desperately wish for more time together.

Kate woke up to streamers, balloons, and much anticipated birthday presents.  Since Zac's birthday, every time she sees anything she likes--even a little bit--she asks, "Can I have that for my birday?"

Zachary drew her pictures of her favorite princess and complimented her with his art:

I recently won a chance to paint with an artist in our ward.  I don't know if she's ready for my mad talent.

Kate was lucky to have a Saturday birthday--which meant Daddy could join us.  We started off at her favorite park--Baby Beach Park.
Next, we came home and made her vanilla/sprinkles birthday cake.

She then took a quick nap, and we met friends at the beach.

 After the sunshine and sand, we came home to finish off the celebration.  Zachary and Kate begged to pose with their helium balloons.

My favorite picture of this post:

Finally!  Time for presents, cake and ice cream!  Kate reminded Zachary all day that he could help her open presents.

Best reaction: opening the present from Zachary.  "Wow, Zac, it is BOOTIFUL!"

 Kate giving Zac a thank you hug for her mermaid doll:
 The cake, decorated almost exclusively by the kids.

 Sword fight:

 Daddy topped it off by reading her a princess story before bed (just like every other night of the year).

Kate loves to jump and run.  She lacks speed but has some crazy endurance.  She rides a scooter and bikes, trying to go fast like Zachary.  Her favorite place is the park, but she loves to go to baby beach, too.  Her favorite toys are play food, and she sets out generous meals for all of her "babies" daily.  She pushes them in a stroller, reads to them, and sings to them.  She talks on her play phone, telling Grandma, Tate, Jack, and Rachel all about her day.

She is a songbird.  She remembers lyrics, and sings every word to the "Frozen" soundtrack, as well as many other Disney songs.  She dances, and asks me constantly if she looks like Rapunzel.  She treks around in my heels, spins, and casts spells on Zachary.

She throws back her head and laughs.  She and Zac can giggle for 15 minutes straight.  Her favorite person is Zachary (and if we are really going there, her next favorite is Brady, and that's completely okay with me!).

Kate is comfortable talking to adults and friends, and rarely pulls the shy card.  She loves to show off her shoes and dresses.  She changes into dress up clothes every afternoon--no exaggeration.

Kate has her demanding moments.  Like every kid, routine is clutch.  Brady is in Oahu at least every Tuesday, leaving the house before 6am.  It ticks her off when he's not there to hold her while she drinks her sippy cup of milk in the morning and "weeds scwiptures."  If you tell this girl you are going to take her to the park, and your plans change, watch out.  She can tantrum for 45 minutes with barely a second between sobs.

She loves being outside.  She's not a homebody.  I don't know if I created children that have to be outside or if they came that way, but she's not satisfied without fresh air.  

She is willing to try any food, snagging bites of my spicy Thai plate lunches or sushi rolls.  She gobbles up curry dishes, and along with Zachary, thinks Quinoa is the "best rice ever."  (Before I pat myself on the back for having a hint of a "foodie" child, I will also note that her very favorite thing to do with food is dip her apples in ketchup.)

Kate is a gem.  She's affectionate and sometimes needy and I love it.  I love that she wants me to comfort her, and still needs to be rocked occasionally.

I love watching my kids grow and progress.  I really do.

Thanks for adding to the joy of the three years, sweet little gal.


Eric and Jill said...

AW, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You've really gotten good at writing these up, girl! Not that you weren't before or maybe it's cause I'm a mama too, and I know what you're saying, I knooooow!!! Sigh, tear, siiiiiigh. LOVE YOU GUYS and your adorable family. I love watching your sweet sweet children grow and change on your blog too. :):):)

Kristen said...

Love that little girl.

Natalie and Steve said...

Seriously, where DID the time go?! Steve was commenting that he thinks we have little-girl-hair envy. We love her little curls and her beautiful smile. We're sure glad she's in the family too!

Kristen Nufer said...

That's a nice post. She'll love reading that when she's older. It's fun to put a bunch of memories into one place. The pictures were darling too, of course. They both have such cute smiles!

Kristen Nufer said...

That's a nice post. She'll love reading that when she's older. It's fun to put a bunch of memories into one place. The pictures were darling too, of course. They both have such cute smiles!