Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Break

 I love the modified, year round school schedule.  I love that I have 6 weeks of summer, a week off in the fall, and couple weeks off for Christmas, and a week long spring break.  Zac is fun to have around. He even makes Costco fun.
 I thought since we had nothing else planned, it would be good to get our swim lessons in.  Zac really wanted to go down their slides, and lessons meant we could play at the YMCA pool all week.  I did not bargain for the very cold winds we had all week.  I also did not bargain on my daughter screaming her head off with the teacher.  The first day, she outright refused to swim.  I have a video of her screaming, "MOMMMMMMMYYYY," and punching and kicking in the water.  Hilarious.

She was plenty happy to get in the hot tub after class.
 The second day, I told her if she participated in her lesson, she'd get some ice cream.  She freaked out for 20 of the 30 minutes, but then cooperated for the last 10 minutes.  Ice cream earned.
 I love everything about this picture, except the quality.  I recently gave myself permission to take pics on my iPhone instead of always feeling like I need our nice camera.  Unfortunately, I end up paying for that decision.  At least I have the picture.
Tuesday, we also went to Ele'ele park to ride bikes with friends and play at the park.  It was a day packed with play.

Spring Break meant a lot of time playing Legos and all the other relatively neglected toys.  No matter how many times I put this set away, it managed to be in the front room every hour of Spring Break.  Zac finished earning this Star Wars set on Tuesday by turning in two of his completed practice sheets (40 practice sessions).

Zachary earned a Pizza Hut coupon at school, so we cashed that in after Kate's ballet class on Wednesday.  Zachary was so excited to see her dancing.  He brought his homework, but preferred to watch her for the full 35 minutes, grinning at her.  She kept stopping by where we were sitting and waving to him.

 Day 3 of swim lessons=SUCCESS!  Kate blew bubbles, talked to the teacher non-stop, kicked, and did a back float.

Despite the chill, the kids wanted to play in the pool for hours after their classes.  We got home at around 5pm each afternoon, exhausted from the freezing water, sunshine, and constant trips down the water slides.

Thursday, we went over to Judy's house for some "Tea in the Tree," make-your-own-muffin fun, picking grapefruit, playing with all her animals, and running around her property.  I worked with Judy for three years after I stopped teaching.  Zachary was a baby, and she was still working with me when Kate was born.  It's so fun to renew relationships.

 Brady refers to Judy as an all-star.  She always knows just what to do for kids.  This paint kit entertained the kids for days.

 She also made me a tropical flower arrangement from her yard.  Beautiful!

 Friday, we went down to our "new house" to ride bikes in the cup-de-sacs.  The kids love it over there and wanted to see how the house was coming along.  We passed this bush, and Kate said, "Look!  A snowman!"
 We played at Lydgate for the rest of the afternoon with friends, since swim was canceled that day.  I love how much the kids love parks.  I know they will outgrow them someday and it makes me so happy to push them on the swings and watch them progress on the monkey bars.

Zac goes back to school tomorrow, and I know he's ready.  We've watched a few too many episodes of "Star Wars" on Netflix (kid version), played with every toy we own, and checked off our Spring Break to-do list.  I will miss him, though!  Good thing summer is right around the corner.


Natalie and Steve said...

Does Zac have full-day kindergarten? Everything is so green there! I'm so looking forward to some life here.

Eric and Jill said...

These posts are ridiculously adorable. Zac + Kate are just too much! Leo + Naomi is starting to break my heart. They hug and cuddle all the time, and Naomi just tucked Leo into bed today for his nap! Cracked me up!

Kristen Nufer said...

I love the pictures! I loved earning Pizza Hut coupons when I was in elementary too. It's nice your kids are such good friends.

Kristen Nufer said...

I love the pictures! I loved earning Pizza Hut coupons when I was in elementary too. It's nice your kids are such good friends.