Sunday, March 02, 2014

Our House Week 1, The Month of February

It's happening!  It felt like this day would never come.  In our impatient defense, we did buy our property a full year ago.  Throughout this year, we've decided to sell the property, then to keep it, and then to go full steam ahead with building plans.  I would say it is surreal to finally get started, except we've been on pins and needles waiting for this day for the entire month of February.  Our feeling now is, "It's about. dang. time."

I do not have much to say about February except we've had a lot of illness.  Brady started the cycle right before Disneyland, Kate was sick for nearly a month, and then I was down and out.  It's dumped rain for weeks, yet ironically we had to purchase a humidifier for our sick, croup-stricken little girl.  We're all healthy and the child with a flu shot avoided this nasty bout of runny noses and hacking coughs.

Oh, and TV.  We watched so much TV in February.  We did not miss any of the prime time Olympics. Whew.  By the end of the two weeks, we were ready to get off the couch and go to bed before 12:30am.  The kids watched for a bit, too.  One night before bed, we were watching women's figure skating.  After an impressive series of jumps by the gold medalist, Zac looked over to me and said, "Mom, can you do that?"

We were also informed this month that the genetic team found the mutated gene causing Kate's EB.  It is now confirmed that she has Dominant Dystrophic EB.  It's nice to have a period on the end of that medical sentence, and also nice to confirm that she has the minor form of this serious disease.  We're currently waiting on approval to get me and Brady tested.  

Zachary and Brady went to a family Valentine's Dance a couple weeks ago.  Kate was too sick to attend so it was nice Brady took us all out to Thai food to celebrate on actual VDay.  At the dance, Zachary broke out the break dancing moves he learned from his cousins, and was a real crowd-pleaser.  We have been trying to curb sweets around here for us and for the kids, and Brady told him he could have one treat.  He went up to Brady and said, "Dad, I wanted a cookie, but then I wanted a brownie.  Can I have a brownie?"  Brady said sure.  My friend told me the next day that she saw Zachary try a bite of cookie, then put it back on the buffet line.  She asked him if he didn't like it, and he said, "Well, it tastes DELICIOUS, but I can only have one and I think a brownie looks better."

I just said goodbye to my dear friend, Melissa.  She lived here for several years, and our boys were small together.  Last year, their family moved to Oahu, with the full intention of moving back to Kauai after a year when another position opened up for Lance.  She came over to Kauai for a funeral and stayed here with her baby for the weekend.  We went to dinner with some friends on Friday night, the funeral, beach and a stake luau on Saturday, and then to church today.  It was a lovely visit.  She was so excited to talk to my kids (who talked her ear off!) and we talked for hours and hours.  

At the start of her visit, she told me they were moving to California in a month.  I'm so sad.  It's nuts to me how close you can get to a friend and then they disappear forever.  I'm so grateful for Facebook, at least, to stay connected.  One of the worst parts of living here is saying goodbye again and again to friends and visiting family.

Melissa's baby Madeline is eight months old.  Zachary and Kate were so excited to have a baby staying at our house.  They followed that baby around, brought out dozens of toys, read books to hear, and let her chew on anything.  Kate asked to hold her fifteen times, and the kids fought over whose turn it was to sit next to her in the car.  

This morning, Melissa got up to use the restroom.  The kids were already awake, and picked up immediately that Madeline was with her in the bathroom.  She was a little fussy.  Next thing you know, they were leaning down next to the bottom of the bathroom door with bums in the air, cooing, "Madeline, it's okay.  Do you want to come and play?  Come out and we will make you happy."  

As Melissa was leaving, Zachary had big tears in his eyes after he said goodbye to the baby and said, "I really just wish we could keep her."

I wish we could keep their whole family.  

We are looking forward to the progress on our home in March, hoping for a few waves to hit the south shore, and a excited for nice week in the middle of the month for Spring break.  


Natalie and Steve said...

Soooo excited about your house! I understand a little bit about the waiting (but not for a year!) I was going a little crazy for the end of February to come around too!

Eric and Jill said...

YAY for your house! It's getting up to 65 here today after the longest, coldest winter in yrs.! I've never wanted spring more, and seeing the blue sky above your lot makes me that much more excited for it! Sorry about your friends leaving though. :(:(:( What a bummer! I'm sure you'll meet some new ones too; you never have trouble making friends, my dear. ;)