Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor-Free Weekend

After counting on a camping trip to our favorite destination on the island, we were disappointed to cash in for "average" adventures. The weekend ended up exceeding our expectations, even though nothing was really out-of-the-ordinary.

We started our weekend with our typical Brennecke's boogie boarding. The waves were exceptional--with side waves coming in from multiple directions that gave us air time when they were hit right. Very nice. We stayed for hours.
At several points in the evening, we commented on how much Zachary loved to play with the sand, and how good he was about not eating it.
This is the angle we see him from 85% of the time, now that he has this crawling thing down.
Saturday morning, we cleaned the church and ate breakfast with the ward. After our typical Saturday cleaning and grocery runs, we took off for the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. We haven't been to the west side for a couple of months, and there was a particular hike Brady went on when I was still in California that he wanted me to do. It was only a couple of hours, and Zachary handled it just fine. We are ready to try some longer distances with this fellow.
Waimea Canyon is cloudy in the afternoon most of the time. It never fails to amaze me how different the landscape is from one part of our tiny island to the next.
Most of the time we would dip in for a swim at a natural pool like this one, but it was beyond disgusting and smelly. Two things to look for in the picture below: Zachary's crazy ear and the brown water.
I told Brady he could not consider purchasing another lens for the camera until I knew the camera features as well as he knew them. He spent a lot of this hike explaining aperture, lighting, shutter speeds, and other settings to me. (He believes his job is complete, but I still have to prove that I can actually apply the information before he gets the okay to hit "purchase.") This picture was taken with very slow shutter speed.

The destination for this hike? A bright blue picnic table--the essense of beauty in nature. It must have been airlifted in. We all ate some snacks,...sported crazy hair,
...and got excited about our spectacular views.
This waterfall is viewed by most visitors on the opposite side.

On Labor Day, we went for a company picnic to Kalapaki Bay. We both had a chance to surf for about an hour each. No, Julie V., we were not cutting up the wave curl, but they were still great rides.

Shaun, Brady's boss, hard at work on the grill.
This trip to the beach, we were impressed with the amount of sand Zac did eat. Six times in a row, he face-planted, then stuck his tongue out to eat. It took me that long to realize it was deliberate. I'm curious to see his diapers tomorrow.
Jeff, using his well-honed construction skills to build castles.

The highlight of the afternoon was paddle-boarding. Shaun rented a couple of boards, and most of us took turns trying out this new fad. None of us were successful in the big waves, but on the rolling current, it was completely refreshing and fun. Here's Brady (and at this point his desire for a new lens with more zoom actually makes a little sense):


Suburban Monkey said...

Looks like a GREAT weekend! The canyon is beautiful and Zachary's crazy ear is pretty cute too!

Heather said...

man, i really wish matthew and i were out doors people. you guys go to so many amazing spots. it makes me realize really how much we missed while on vacation. plus it only makes me want to go back again, and soon. i'm putting vacation to hawaii on my christmas wish list, who knows.
hope everything is well with you guys. we are dealing with a killer diaper rash that just refuses to go away. we aren't sure if it's an alergic reaction to switching formula or what, but it's been going on for a few weeks.
we are heading out to utah in a little over a week. i am WAY excited.
zach is just the cutest baby in the world. he's going to grow up and be a world famous surfer

Erica said...

Looks like you had a fun weekend! So jealous!!! Zach is getting so big! I love his facial expressions!

Julie said...

Wow, what a BEAUTIFUL hike! I'm not going to lie, I'm probably a little jealous! Taking the "Are you going to Heaven" test at the state fair just doesn't really compare to a scenic hike in some of Hawaii's finest! Zach is so cute, by the way! But you already know that ( : Hey, how do you put pictures in your blog post with the text? I haven't figured that one out yet!

~~Heidi~~ said...

Great weekend, We had fun at the party! And someday I will have to try paddle boarding, when I am not great with child!

Kristen said...

That sand castle is cool, but I am still more impressed with Brady's marshmallow man.

NW Varneys said...

"average" and "not out-of-the-ordinary"? Have you been living in paradise so long that you have forgotten that it's paradise? hmmm, maybe we should trade places for a while. I will take it easy on you, though, since you did mention my name in the blog (haha), and you did also use more appropriate adjectives later in your post. ("spectacular" and "extraordinary" come to mind)
Mostly, I am just curious what the more amazing adventure was going to be.... ;)

Em said...

Wow, that blue table has just dispelled any hesitation we had to come visit. My life won't be full until I see it in person.