Sunday, September 28, 2008

All Night Raves and Law Enforcement

We finally satisfied our camping itch by heading to our favorite destination: Polihale. 17 miles of uninterrupted beach, crystal-clear waters, and beautiful sunsets. Zac loved his crawling freedom, and got right to work finding all the choking hazards/teething biscuits he could.Megan and Matt issued the invite, and we spent the weekend with them. Last time we camped here, it was with two less children and almost a year ago!

Evidence of the purposeful "face plant." He throws himself down and licks up as much sand as he can.
Yum...tin foil dinners and s'mores kicked off the evening.
After the sun set, we gazed at the stars and talked for a few hours. Megan taught us about the Milky Way. I feel like researching astrology.
The night was peaceful, except for the huge group of drunk teens having a rave down the beach a bit. They really only bothered us when they drove at our tent around 11pm. I was terrified they would run us over in their drunken (and who knows what else) stupor. The rest of the night, they flashed their lights and played their music. The next morning, cops came by asking for permits at 6am. My first reaction was irritation at the early wake-up, until I saw them writing out tickets to every one of those teens. Vindication. Sweet vindication.

We had a great morning--pancakes, a long run, and beautiful, clear water. We were even visited by the biggest sea turtle we've seen to date. We boogie boarded, played with Zac, and got a little sunburned despite massive applications of sunscreen. Zachary wouldn't take a nap until almost noon, when his little body couldn't take it anymore.

I often define my week with my weekend. It was a good week.


Travis and Jamie said...

Hey guys, Looks like a ton of fun. Zac is getting so big. You guys always seem to have a lot of fun adventures. What happened to the surfing, I have only seen pics of bogie boarding lately. Later-Travis

Brady and Karen said...

No waves least waves we can hack.

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

What a fun weekend. Zac is adorable, I can't wait to see him again! Now he is mobile, the fun is just beginning.

Eric and Jill said...

Looks like a blast and a half - wish we could visit this time of year every year!

Em said...

Looks like fun! (minus the drunken teens)And what a gorgeous sunset!

Natalie and Steve said...

Zach's diapers must be tonz of fun to change after those beach trips!

Julie said...

You're jealous of me being cooped up in a stuffy law room while you are off enjoying paradise?! I'll trade ya!!

Suburban Monkey said...

Why is it that most camping trips i have been on have been interupted by annoying drunk youth too!! Still lookied amazing!

Unknown said...

Wow, Zac looks like he's getting pretty mobile. Better watch out! Looks like fun, I love your pictures!

~~Heidi~~ said...

how fun, we love polhale too. So did you guys get a ticket too??

Ryan and Christina said...

Zac is so adorable! He looks a lot like my (Ryan's) nephew Caden.