Sunday, September 07, 2008

Zachary, 8 Months Old

We are crazy for this little boy. He wakes up early, ready to play and with a huge grin on his face.
Sporting his new shoes, as of yesterday. His tiny toes were getting so skinned up from crawling all over the house, so a friend gave us these tiny crocs. He immediately worked to pull them off, unsuccessfully.

His favorite position: standing. He's finally mastered the "fall" so he doesn't bonk his head ten times a day. It's hilarious to watch him get down. He lets go with tension and anxiety written all over his face, squats down a little, and waits for his bum to hit the tile. Thank heavens for diaper padding.

He is a fast crawler now, and even crawled into the shower this morning before I could grab him.

Already working on his education (notice the direction of the book):

Another important part of his education:


Heather said...

where did you guys find crocs for baby feet? andrews toes are all skinned too, and i have looked eveerywhere. and the only little size i've found is a 3. and not like months, i think years.
isn't it so cool when they start to discover books. andrew will actually sit in my lap while i ready a book. all though he is more interested in crinkling up the pages.

Jamie said...

Wow! 8 months old and already mobile!! Watch out! And good luck keeping up! :)

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

No wonder Zac's tongue looks weird, his parents let him chew on trees. You guys are going to be busy, good thing for naps.

Kristen said...

Hug Hug Hug Hug Bobo! Mommy!

Love that book.

Love those pictures of Zach.

Scott and Natalie said...

Yup, your camera is worth it! What a cute and busy little man!

Suburban Monkey said...

Why is everything grown-up so much cuter in a miniature size!!! Those crocs are adorable! As for a cushion fall…as clumsy as I am it wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to follow in the shoes of Zac and wear a diaper too…ok maybe not.

NW Varneys said...

Big Boy; Great Photos!

~~Heidi~~ said...

he is seriously such a cute kid. I love those big blue eyes!! OH the world to discover has just begun for him! Good luck! They just get more busy the more mobile they get!

Julie said...

Ha, ha! That kid cracks me up!! I can't believe you let him eat a palm tree! That's awesome ( :

Nelson said...

The last picture is killing me! I love it so much.
Hard to believe he is already 8 months.

Em said...

You know how you could almost imagine how most things would taste if you lick them? Like dirt?...carpet?...hard wood floor?...a tree? Brian and I attribute that to actually tasting most things while going through the oral phase. So, I agree that he's just performing an integral part of his education. Cause honestly, how could we succeed in life if we could imagine how it would taste to lick carpet?