Sunday, September 21, 2008

Adventures with the Youth (and who I voted off the island)

Yesterday I took the Young Men on a moderately difficult 7 mile hike to Hanakaipiai Falls on Kauai's north shore. The Bishop and one Young Woman decided to join us as well--this turned out to be a very interesting adventure. We started hiking at about 8:15 am. The falls were incredible.

Karen had a prior commitment to attend a baby shower and was unable to go. I've listed below several reasons I'd rather hike with Karen than with yesterday's group.
1. She's infinitely better looking.
2. She smells a whole lot better.

3. She would think this declaration carved in bamboo was as funny as I did.

4. She would not complain of being too tired the whole way to the falls.

5. She would not be afraid of jumping into this water jewel and swimming under the falls.

6. She would be able to keep/set the hiking pace. I started exploring at this beach below (the halfway point) while I waited for Bishop. I ended up waiting for nearly an hour. The views were spectacular.

7. She would pack enough water to complete the hike. Everyone ran out of water, but me. After I finished hiking, I had to get an extra water bottle and backtrack over a mile to find Bishop and give him water. He was experiencing some serious cramping with a lack of water. We finally finished the trail at 5pm.

Fortunately, when I arrived home Karen, Zachary, and I all hit pool. Zac loves water--can you tell by his facial expression?


Anonymous said...

Ah Brady, Brady, Brady. The youth complain. They prepare inadequately. They're teenagers. It's what they do. I'll bet if you asked your mom, she'd tell you she remembers you doing the same at 15...

Great pictures, btw. Your new cam is serving you well. We just got a Rebel XSi, but so far it has only taken photos of teeth. Really, really BAD teeth.

Melanie said...

That's was awesome! I laugh b/c Jason is in the bishopric and I'm the yw president, so we deal with the youth every week. So funny! What amazing pictures.

Heather said...

cute pictures of zach. and i must agree with everyone, you take some seriously gorgeous pictures

Natalie and Steve said...

Wow. I'd rather hike with Karen too. How did the one young woman do?

Your baby is adorable!

Julie said...

Ha, ha! That's great! You crack me up, Brady ( : Reminds me of all those stories my dad used to tell us about scout camp!

~~Heidi~~ said...

sorry it was a rough hike, but I have to tell you that kid of yours, is just the cutest thing in the world, I love his big cheeses he always has to offer to anyone who will look at him.

Jenni said...

Okay, so that blog was the cutest little dedication to Karen I have ever seen. If I could ever pay Chris to blog, and he had said all those things about me..... wow. Good job Brady! Brownie points.

Kristen said...

Does she sweat more or less?

Unknown said...

Hahaha! Well, you can't always be with the perfect, hikers, eh?

Ryan and Christina said...

You're one lucky man!!