Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dog Parka

We had some friends that were motivated to walk their dog everyday because they were afraid of being one of those owners who looks like their dog. You know, fat owners have fat dogs, rich owners have floofy dogs (and yes, that is a word in my vocab), 80's women have poodles, short and stubby men have Basset Hounds, you know the drill.

Well, we are proud of our dog...especially with her new dog parka. We wouldn't mind looking as cute as her.


NW Varneys said...

Are dogs meant to wear clothes? I think rich people have dogs who wear clothes or something? You guys must have really saved a lot by not having to pay rent all those years. I can say I'm pretty jealous.

Roni, Coleman, Makadie and Anika said...

Terris--You look Fab! You should really audition to be the next McGruff Crime Dog!!

Annie said...

Wow, you dress your dog. Enough said. Do you wear matching outfits?

Brady said...

I only wish I had a parka as cool my dog?

cory said...

Poor dog, he looks miserable with that outfit on. He's thinking "please put that dang camera away and get this coat offa me!"

Brady said...

Well, first of all, it's a SHE dog. Geesh. Man-oh-man. What if I called Blake a "she?" hmmm...

harharhar...Just attempting some humor here.

Eric and Jill said...

I'm sorry, but if you'd like for people to refer to Terris as a she-dog, then you better start dressing her more femininely.

cory said...

I agree with Jillian and Eric - I don't even know them but they're obviously very sane.

Brady said...

I don't mean to be a stickler about this...but a PURPLE collar isn't feminine? We might be moving to San Fran, but that doesn't mean our dog is gay. Purple is definitely a girl color. (Unlike pink, which I still argue looks hot on guys...)

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

I think you guys will fit in perfectly in San Francisco - so long as Brady walks the dog in his pink sweat suit (that Karen thinks he looks hot in).

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

I am referring to Brady's pink sweat suit in case someone might not have understood my use of pronouns.

cory said...

Terris is gay?