Monday, January 02, 2006

Christmas 2005

C aroling, Christmas Eve, and remembering Christ.

H angin' out with family.

R est & relaxation. Cory sported his new eye-mask complete with eyelash protection and nose relief. We refer to it as the "face bra".

nflatable Mattress -- Due to the creativity of Mom and Dad Nufer, Karen and I had our own room with comfortable sleeping accomodations....a difficult task in house full of people.

ports. While vacationing we found time play ping pong, bowling, and a healthy amount of Tetris. Dad Nufer placed first in ping pong and bowling. Matt scored the all-time highest record in Tetris with 423 lines.

T urbulance during our flight to Columbus, Ohio. The flight attendants were asked by the pilot to discontinue the beverage service and put their seat-belts on. Then we hit it.....the worst turbulence I have ever experienced. Not one person could contain their drinks or their screams. After a grueling 15 seconds of being tossed around I sat in shock, dripping with orange juice, ginger ale, coke, etc. Karen immediately burst into laughter which caused the entire plane to erupt in laughter. I, on the other hand, continued to remain in shock for the rest of the flight.

ichigan with Mom and Dad Edwards. Karen and I, Ryan, Cory and Kristen Fam enjoyed our visit to Lansing, MI. Among great food and entertainment, we also kept Mom and Dad up

A nna "flexing" & other entertaining moments from the kids. Anna demonstrated to us that when you want to flex, you have to make your body shiver.

S ilent Night. Christmas Eve was a memorable night. We each suited up in our various roles and performed a unique rendition of the nativity.

aptism -- Janece was baptized on December 23. She was so excited, even though the water was ice-cold.
R ocking in 2006! Chinese, games, you know the drill. We got tired early so Dad set the clock a half hour ahead and we celebrated the new year at 11:30 pm. Hey--the kids didn't know the difference! Karen and I had a Tetris competition. I am currently the champion with 209 lines.

E ating, eating, and eating.
A ttacking the Christmas pile which was organized by name, thanks to Ada.

K icking back with friends


Scott and Natalie said...

Loved it! Very creative and fun to see your vacation. We are glad you survived the turbulence, and that Karen could laugh about it!

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

What a fun trip! Good thing Paul wasn't there, you would have been playing Tetris all night long.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Glad to see y'all had an awesome time. It was great seeing you guys again!

No dirty comments from me, Karen!

The Marecles said...

So you got a job huh. I thought that I would comment on this post so that you guy are sure to see it. How exciting. What happened to Colorado? Now we are going to have to move to California instead of Denver. That is awesome. It sounds like you had a fun break. We ended up going to Washington this last week and ran into some pretty times but nothing like you guys. Well talk to you guys soon.