Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Another bucket list item checked off for the summer: snorkeling at Hideaways.  This is our favorite place to snorkel on the island, but with parking difficulties and how long it takes to get there, we often bypass the opportunity in favor of something more local or exciting.  The kids are only sort of interested in snorkeling, especially when compared to surfing, boogie boarding and ramping.  

Brady went out in the water with both Zachary and Kate, but after a full week of watching shark attack videos on YouTube, Zac did not last more than a few minutes, and came in petrified.  I had two emotional boys on the beach--one upset about waking up prematurely from a nap and one annoyed at his phobia.  We shook it off by climbing rocks.

Kate watched the videos, too, and while scary images of any kind wake her up at night, they do not seem to impact her fear of water.  She joined the ranks of fish and stayed out for ages--long enough to get intense mask lines.
I was so proud of Zac for agreeing to come back out in the water with me for ten minutes.  I figured if I was there to support him emotionally, it might be a good way to confront his fear.  My not-always-affectionate child let me hold him in the water while he pointed out fish.  He went to the beach at exactly the ten minute mark and I count those minutes some of the highlights of my summer.

Darn binky is ruling our lives.
Owen had nothing to do with the water but was happy to pose in his swimwear.

Mermaid Kate.
Also happy to pose.

The stunning, panoramic view of Hideaways.
We finished the day playing at the park in Princeville.  Another relaxed, happy Saturday of summer.

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