Sunday, November 02, 2008

Run, run, as fast as you can definitely catch me...

...because I'm slower than last year.

November 1, 2008: Koloa Sugar Mill Race. Karen: 10 miler. Brady: 5K. Zachary: pre-6am wake-up.
I seriously went out planning to win this thing. Last year, I was able to take it for the girls (as you note from the picture above, this is not terribly impressive considering the numbers running...), and I fully intended to race for it again. There was a lady from San Diego that I ran with (read: labored to keep up with) for six miles, before I finally had to let her go. I ran my heart out, but only finished at a 1:15, or 7:30s. Boo. Lesson learned: you can't train at 8 min miles and run 7 min miles. The real kicker? The lady who beat me ran a slower time than my time last year. Boo.
Brady ran the 5K. He enjoyed it, but was hoping for something in the 18s. He ran a 20:15, which is two minutes off his best time. However, his best time happened to come after months of training for a half marathon with me years ago, and currently his workout regimen consists of two runs and basketball once a week. He's happy with the way things are, and I'm happy he's running with me every Monday night! Zac loves the jogger, too.
We ate breakfast, chased Zachary around (who chased this water container around), and had fun talking to people while we waited for awards.
Good things come to those who wait! We may not be terribly thrilled about our mug and metal, but we were ecstatic to win a free night at the Hilton! Not many people stayed after the awards for the door prizes, so the man went around and started handing them out. Brady yelled, "Over here...FOR THE BABY!" and suddenly we found ourselves with a difficult decision: $10 Kauai Athletic Pass, or a free night at the Hilton.

Afterwards, we did some cow-tipping.


Suburban Monkey said...

Go Team Edwards! I'm impressed as always!

Kristen said...

Chinese proverb:

Free hotel stay better than running fast.

Jamie said...

Dang girl you are FAST!!! How you break the 8 min mile is beyond me!! I wish I could train with you...I could learn a lot I'd bet. Even still...I don't know how you run that fast for that long! I'm so impressed! Tell many miles do you tread in a week??? Never mind...don't tell me. I don't want to get depressed! :)

Julie said...

Any sport that requires a "pre 6 am" wake up call is not the sport for me! Kudos to you two for doing it though!! You guys are so freakin' awesome!

Keri Hennefer said...

Ok so I am training for my 1st 1/2 marathon, and you guys would smoke me! Good thing I am not running against you! Wau to go!

Unknown said...

Wow, looks like Mr. Zac is getting bigger!

Don't worry, Karen, you'll take that girl next year. Man, I need to get back into running!

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

Karen, its because your treadmill didn't let you train for anything less than a 8 min. mile... (he, he he)

Em said...

I'm sure Zac broke some kind of record. Number of cows tipped on least amount of sleep maybe?

I'm still immensely impressed with your times!

Em said...

oh, and does that mean that since I've been marathon training at 10min I probably won't qualify for the Boston? Shoot.

Kathey said...

Thanks for inviting me to view your blog. I must admit that I'm behind the times, but what's cow tipping? ^o^

Kathey A.
And congratulations on winning the hotel stay. ^o^

Dean and Lana Edwards said...

Running in Hawaii sure beats running in Battle Mountain, Nevada.
(Kristen knows what we mean)It sounds to us like you both did great.