Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another First

This is two weeks past my prediction date. Consider it a rookie mistake. Brady and I were both home to witness his first step while attempting to kick a minature soccer ball. (Once again, I apologize for my squeeky high voice on video.)


Eric and Jill said...

Sweet daddy DOG!!!! CONGRATS, Zac!!! How fun!!!

Suburban Monkey said...

First's are the best

Melanie said...

So exciting!!! Josh didn't start walking until his 1st b-day. Look out!!! Now you're really going to be on your toes and amazed at how fast they learn to run. ;D

Jenni said...

Karen, I love your "Mommy" voice.

Eric and Jill said...

Oh, and I just realized how little he is to be walking. That's so cool. ;)

Dean and Lana Edwards said...

Once he's started walking, you'll never be able to hold him back. What a cutie! These are great videos. We loved watching them.