Monday, July 02, 2007

A Moment of Prayer

Heidi had a nice blog about Ty's first "amen," and I am adding to the collection of prayer experiences. During closing prayer on Sunday, I was caught a giant cockroach. It went waddling by, and it was all I could do to stifle a shriek. It was right next to my foot, and I swear it was bigger than 2 thumbs put together (3 if you're Cory).

Most public prayers are not very lengthy, but apparently they are in our ward. This one went on for minutes. I had my legs yanked up on the bench, and I couldn't stop staring at the rascal's path. I kept getting the creepy chills up my spine, and disrupted enough people around me that the pews on my side were all involved. By the time "amen" was uttered, Brady heroically put an end to the critter. It took more than one attempt. Ewwwww....cockroach guts.

I've now gone out and purchased containers for anything in my house not "cockroach-proof." I've seen lots of crawlers now--the cane spider, several centipedes, and (as noted) the flying cockroaches. I think I will move if I find a centipede in bed. I hear that's not terribly uncommon.


Eric and Jill said...

we were in the oregon district of dayton on saturday night watching a band perform when this guy at a table near ours killed a cockroach crawling up on his girlfriend's chair! UGH! they're by far one of the NASTIEST things ever created. i'd be checking my bed at night too if i were you. centipedes are almost just as gross.

Brady and Karen said...

The centipede bite varies in pain between a "bee sting and a mild gunshot wound." I read that in a guidebook, and it is quoted around here. I would say I'm more concerned about the centipede.

Eric and Jill said...

say WHAT?!?! a mild gunshot wound? that's gotta be rare. i didn't even know that centipedes BITE! if one bites me in the butt while we're visiting and it hurts like nothin' else ever has, at least i'd find out what it feels like to have a mild gunshot wound.

Brady and Karen said...

It's definitely not rare that they bite, but people react differently. For instance, one lady I talked with said her leg was swollen from her ankle to her knee, and she had difficulty walking for 2 weeks. Other people say they've been bit multiple times, and it just hurt like crazy. So...take it or leave it, I still don't want to get bit.

Julie said...

Dang! I guess even the glamorous island lifestyle has its drawbacks! We've encountered our fair share of cockroaches in NC - I love how they try to mask their repulsiveness by calling them "palmetto bugs" down here. Ick!

Eric and Jill said...

palmetto bugs, biting centipedes...all the more reason for you guys to move back to ohio.

Ken said...

very nice...

a MILD gunshot wound?!

What the heck is a MILD gunshot wound? It's a freaking gunshot wound. Holy crap. That's unbelievable...

Scott and Natalie said...

Karen- thanks for the great stories! I love to read your blog! Although the centipede stuff should be kept quiet if you want visitors!

No, I think we will still brave the chance of a mild gunshot wound to visit paradise and the Kauian Edwards!

NW Varneys said...
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NW Varneys said...

A mild gunshot wound. That's quite the description. That must be one of those ones that is at the end of trajectory and only imbeds itself 3/4 of the way into the flesh instead of blowing a big hole all the way through you. Still, seems like a mild gunshot wound would hurt a bit:)

Cockroaches are quite the amazing little creatures. They're not affected by radiation and would therefore be the only creature not affected by a nuclear holocaust. I remember when I heard there were cockroaches in Russia. I thought to myself, "Yeah right. You're telling me that it's going to be 50 degrees below zero outside, and we're still going to be buying Raid on p-day?" No other insect like creature was living during those winters, but sure enough, those little cockroach buggers scurried around the winter, but didn't scurry much after a healthy dose of Raid. Course, Russian cockroaches are the midgets of the group. Though smaller, not any more cute, just more room to pack more into the corners.