Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What I Remember from 6th Grade

1. Singing a "Grease" duet in our school production with a boy I thought was soooo cute (and later was expelled from school for sexual harassment).

2. Winning the high jump at our track and field competition.

3. Wearing cotton pants of various colors, and thinking they were pretty cool. (Jillian was in my class, and remembers that they were actually not that great.)

4. Listening to my teacher, Mr. Bullard, break out into song at any provocation.

5. Throwing up on said teacher's desk, because I was afraid of cutting in line to ask if I could go to the bathroom.

Well, I know cotton pants will be different, but I expect many of the same adventures as a 6th grade teacher! Ahhh... Yep, I'm switching from 9-10th grade students to the middle school level, and all the deodorant phone calls and puberty issues that involves. Who knows? Maybe lifelong friends will meet in my classroom. Maybe a student will develop a passion. Maybe I'll just have gheckos pooping in my classroom, rather than students throwing up. (Hmmm...hopefully, I won't have both.)

I will also finally get to use my history background, as I will be teaching social studies in addition to health. Time to brush up on my geography, and remember the dynasties of Egypt. I have my summer reading list picked out!


Eric and Jill said...

YAY! I'm so happy you got a teaching job!!!! What a nice surprise! BUT, you didn't write about us playing b-ball at recess with Barbie!!! I also didn't know you threw up on Mr. Bullard's desk! I guess I luckily missed out on that - I was only in your class in the last few months of that year.

P.S. Are you giving me a taste of my own medicine? i.e. last summer when I posted our house pic before telling you we found it? Because from our last convo., I didn't know this was such a good prospect. Well I'm glad to find out, even if it is through a blog posting! HA!

Anonymous said...

Heidi and I will make sure the bathroom door is always open so you don't throw up on our counter, and you don't have to ask to use the bathroom.

Kristen said...

Wow! So exciting! For the record, I am never ever going to believe you again when you talk about your job prospects.

Brady and Karen said...

You all are giving me a hard time on the "job prospects" thing. Here's the true story: I interviewed Monday, and there were NO openings in my field--on the ENTIRE ISLAND. I took a job the next day (with full understanding I could leave for a teacher position) working closely with Brady's project, and by Friday, a Health/Social Studies position opened. The former teacher decided to pursue other career paths. So there. I was not misleading you saying that there were slim pickins out here.

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

6th grade eh? I remember having a crush on one of my 7th grade teachers, gotta be careful. Congrats on the teaching job. What school? Public or private?

Julie said...

Congrats on the teaching job! 6th grade is such a fun age. I had Mr. Bullard too. I remember tying his shoelaces together at sixth grade camp, but I'm pretty sure no one threw up on his desk my year. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bullard was awesome. I think you should take every opportunity to sing as well.

Kristen said...

Sounds like your Hawaii experience was just like your Cali experience. Nope, still don't and won't believe you :)

NW Varneys said...

Congrats, Karen! What a surprise. Creative way to announce it, too. I bet you were HOT in those cotton pants! btw, we got the trophy the other day--thanks! We are so proud. Oh, and we finally updated our blog. And finally: Are you ever going to call us???

NW Varneys said...

Who's Amy Lange?