Sunday, June 26, 2005

"We Biked the Bridge!"

Cheesy title, huh? Well, that's how we got sold on this day. We were walking through the city the first day we were there, and heard you could rent bikes (i.e. "Bike the Bridge!" Say it enthusiastically!). We just needed to find the right weekend, and we were off.

We took the BART to the city (our first time on a train!), then picked up our bikes. Along the 26 mile, hilly route, we stopped at museums, forts, historical sites, fountains, forests, and a fun place to eat. We were amazed at all the different environments there! We were weaving in and out of tons of traffic one minute, and a few hours later, we were the only ones biking through a redwood forest. The whole day was topped off by a ferry ride home. It was quite an adventure!

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