Sunday, June 26, 2005

Feminine or Manly?

Living here in San Fran gets you thinking... With so many--shall we say, feminine?--men, there are many trends that you wonder about. Then I consider my ultra-conservative school where I am seeing many of the same trends. So I pose this question on several similar scenarios: Feminine or Manly?

1. Crossing Legs
Cory and I debate this one constantly. He says, "Go with what's comfortable." I say, "Quit being a woman," and "You're going to get spider veins." If you are secure enough as a man, is there anything really wrong with this? Hmmm...

2. Pink Shirts
They are everywhere! Especially dress shirts. Many of the so-called "popular" kids at school are wearing them regularly. Banana Republic is starting to look like a women's-only store. Here I have a contradictory viewpoint...I LOVE THEM!

3. Capri Pants
Wasn't there a star recently spotted sporting some of these? I know I've seen them in my school (and, not to pick on him again, on Cory a few years back). I'm not so sure about this trend, but perhaps it's because it's a new thing. Wasn't it only a few years ago that they looked odd on girls, too? I still don't know about this one.

4. Plucking Eyebrows
I don't think anything more needs to be said about this one other than this: If you are growing hair in odd places, get rid of it! No unibrow! If you feel too feminine plucking, go ahead and shave. That's manly. Or just get it waxed (but would that bring up a whole new point???).

5. Tanning
Wow. I just don't know. On the one hand, who cares? On the other hand, it is a bit disconcerting. Really, it's disconcerting for girls, too, but we've just gotten over that as a general public. What do you think?

Since we're on this discussion, here is one that should be added to the list of MEN SHOULD, BUT DON'T (that has not been created): Shaving armpits. I mean, who really likes armpit hair? I don't understand why it's such a big deal for women and not men (and PLEASE don't take me wrong here! I don't think we should all be like Julia Roberts and "forget" to shave). It's not attractive. Soon, I'll have Brady believing it, too. Just watch.
Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

First things first, the leg crossing? Definitely manly. Only a man confident in his manhood could cross his legs like this. (Though a single man's manhood may be called into question - I only became comfortable after I married my hot wife). It is comfortable and I plan to continue it.

Second point, how can crossing my legs like that be feminine and not approved by my sis-in-law and yet, a pink shirt worn by a man it "hot."

Third point, capri pants for guys. I think it important to clarify that my "capris" didn't taper like a woman's capris would taper, hence making them really just long shorts. I like crossing my legs in those long shorts a great deal.

To the fourth item of plucking hair, I have no need to pluck since I am not that hair-laden.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the leg-crossing is not a matter of manliness or feminism after all. From a therapist's point-of-view, it is actually a matter of internal or external rotation of the hip. Someone with internally-rotated hips can cross their legs easily. But those of us with externally-rotated hips cannot comfortably do so. Therefore this is not at all related to confidence in manhood. I guess Karen is inadvertently suggesting that most of the General Authorities are displaying feminine characteristics. Don't believe me? Check it out in October.

Pink Shirts-Ugh

Capris-only works for certain people (As a side note, capris that don't taper are called Jams--remember the 80s? Maybe Karen doesn't...hehe)

Plucking eyebrows--only if there is a unibrow. Shaping is definitely feminine.

Shaving Armpits-Should be a must for everyone, regardless of gender. Armpit hair is gross. I would shave mine if I weren't afraid of being mistaken for those rainbow people so prevalent around here.

By the way, are you familiar with the term "metrosexual"? It explains some of thse trends.


Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

Oh Natalie, you are embarrassing me!