Friday, July 26, 2024

Our Last Kaua'i May

I kept wondering if I was making so many afternoon trips to the beach because I knew this was it, or if I was always this way.  Looking back, when soccer ended in May, I was always at the beach.  This May was even better, though, with Owen out at far breaks with me.

The new murals at Koloa Elementary, captured during Run Club:

So many rainy afternoons:
Friday night at Sheratons with a dozen Koloa moms and kids.  It took me a long time to bust into this social circle and I am a tiny bit bitter that I finally garnered the regular invites when we were a few months out from moving.

That Saturday was my final surf session at Polihale.  I caught so many good waves that night with Robert.  I will remember those drops, those whipping-fast waves, and the effort it required to fight current and get lined up again.

After 2 hours, I came in and watched the sunset with Brady.  How are you supposed to say goodbye to your favorite place on earth?  Even writing it wells me up inside.  My heart was bleeding.  I know it's not goodbye forever, especially since our family trust has my ashes going here. Ha!

Watching surf competitions at Bubbas on a day off school later in the week.  Lo is super into it.

Love that my ballerina surfer girl isn't too good for digging in the sand.
Zachary's last game with Keahi.  He played hard and had some beautiful goals and passes.  Bravehearts beat them out for the finals against Rush girls, but Keahi put up a good fight.

Playing against his north shore buddy, Finnegan:

Beach afternoon with Reef.  This kid has grown up like a cousin and even though Reef is two years older, they get along perfectly.  They do the beach, pool, and Bay Blades together like siblings.

Prepping for National Piano Guild.  Dad played along on the guitar to keep it interesting.  Owen had his songs memorized and ready a full 3 weeks before guild, so it was a long wait to perform.  Lois gave him plenty of other songs to keep him progressing, and Kate was envious that he wasn't as stressed about the whole experience as she plugged away into the final days leading up to guild.  I was impressed with the extra practice and intensity she employed to get her songs complete.  She was most proud of "Toccata in D Minor" and "Fountain in the Rain."  She was scared she would think too hard and forget the muscle memory.  She successfully made it through her entire program and scored high marks, rating "Superior" and ready to play for the state.  Owen also scored very well, ready to perform for his school.  I ranked "Helpful" with my patience sitting next to both of them with pep and encouragement for the 4 weeks leading up.

All the kids were excited on Seeley's 100 Mile day.  I gathered all the run club kids and we made a tunnel for him on his last lap.  He ran over 2 miles every single Tuesday and Thursday to get this goal.  Owen and Lowick and one other boy were the only ones keeping that pace as well, and O had too many sick days to ever achieve the milestone.

Huge congrats, Seeley!

I had so much fun paddling out with Owen's friends several times after school.  They are so cute.  Owen even caught a few surfing waves, although still definitely prefers bombing down waves on a boogie board.  He is pretty incredible and it was delightful to have him at a stage where the surf waves were not too big or too far out for us to both enjoy together.

Just one more time it looked like Brady was hurting me at home.  A few big bruises like this from one minor fall at Polihale.

Teacher appreciation at HTA was hilarious.  These girls made me a cake.  I couldn't believe they thought they talked too much.  I will never forget the girl second from the left.  The students were distracted one morning and I was not sure why.  I finally got after them, and she pulled a baby chick from her romper pocket.  #kauailife

Kaua'i Ballet Spring Performance: Don Quixote and Phantom.  The Phantom dancing with a live, professional pianist was spectacular.  I cried watching my girl dance with this elite artist, knowing it was such a unique experience to watch that kind of talent on a tiny island.

Aunty Joy made Kate a haiku and a lei.  We realized this was her last haiku.  Thank you, Joy, for always gifting her the most generous cultural arrangements.

Kate's school friends came to support her.

I worked the door, concessions, and cleanup, as always.  When I saw a friend at Ballet West summer intensive just a week ago, he came right up after the performance and asked where he could find the mop.  We've been on cleanup duty for the past years and it's fun to have people to joke with that are willing to roll up their sleeve and help.  It's also interesting how much fulfillment I get out of cleaning a public toilet after these performances.

Angela and Aliyah, who paid $17 each from their own money to come watch Kate dance.  Heart eyes.

So grateful for Naomi and these older ballerinas for their nurturing kindness to my girl.
Target Twinsies!
Kate's partner for the show, and of course good friend, Sam:
Sarah (on the left) has been dancing with Kate since they were both 3.  Her sister danced ballet professionally.

Oh, Miss Hilary!  Kate has loved you for 10 years!  After auditioning with 3 different dance companies in Utah, Kate commented, "I had no idea how good I had it with Kaua'i Ballet Academy."  Hilary has built this organization.  So proud of my bestie and her commitment to community!

A quick after-church snap with Penelope, Rubes, and Kels:
When we sold our house, the buyers originally asked to buy all the furniture.  That led to a dead end, and we ended up needing to sell some of our big items.  We listed the piano, our couches, etc.  Eventually we decided they were worth more to us than we wanted to sell them for, and they came over by boat.

Another rainy day Lawai walk with our dogs.
One afternoon at school pickup, Owen invited Lowick, Azie, and Raeya over.  They all had a blast jumping in the rain.

More run club!

An afternoon with the kids at Shotguns.  The waves were terrible but it was fun having all these kids hang with me.

After-school treat at Lapperts:
We wanted a beach day but there were Portuguese man-of-war (we even saw a kid get badly stung), so we switched modes and did a barefoot beach walk.

So cute.  So mean.

I loved catching these moments of Kate dancing unabashedly in her swim gear, on a playground.

Andy and Jana's family over for Sunday dinner:

Last day of run club: rain or shine!  Of course it rained!

Owen and Lowick rarely played games inside, but when they did, it was always Mario Kart.

Things I will not miss: check out the price of this OJ!
One evening while we prepped dinner and played soccer, Zachary yelled down the stairs to go look at the sunset. I loved being alerted to beauty by my teenage son.

I will miss my parakeet-and-palm-tree sunsets.

We met up with Vicki and Joy's family to gather the "Bros"--besties since Kindergarten.  Since HS, they have not been as close but each time they see each other, it's like they never missed a beat.  So grateful for Jojo and David!

Joy brought fixings for poke bowls--100 times better than pizza.  
The boys and Kate each took turns creatively launching off the pier.

Vicki, a special ed helper, has an affinity for small children and small dogs.

Kate and Owen on the same wave during a pre-summer swell:

A gift from Traci.
For student council this year, Kate was in charge of Food Club.  Technically, she was not in charge but she quickly learned that 10% of the people in any organization do 90% of the work.  There were some really frustrating moments for her but I was proud of her leadership and assertiveness.
Final Koloa Elementary May Day:

"Mom, no more photos!  It is time for us to dance!"

Kate's 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Swart, made her a special bracelet to say goodbye:
Owen's teacher, Ms. Braun:
Another coastal walk with our off-leash pup:

All the beauty; all the joy:

...and SUCH a long tongue.

Another day, another walk, but this time with Kate and O:

Owen was absolutely determined to finish his 100-mile goal.  He completed it before school ended!

100-Mile-Club pizza party for all the years' participants:
Kate's chorus concert, where she had not one but two solos!  She sang a segment from Mulan's "Reflection" and sounded calm and confident.

Memorial Day hike on the north shore: our last go around for Hanakapaia Falls.  Kate texted Mallory and Gavin, and they joined us and pretended we were not 18 years older than them.  I appreciate young people who make me feel young and seen, too.

NaPali showed off and I was so grateful.

Gavin treated Owen like a peer, listening to his stories and talking to him for hours.
We all swam under the falls, giggling at the cold water and trying desperately not to swallow listeria as the water pounded down over our heads.
Two of the most positive, energetic people I know:
Mallory was the YW president in our ward.  When she was asked to lead the group, Brady's initial thought was that she was simply too young, but it turns out that her youth made her very relatable.  She is also reliable, a planner, and someone these girls want to emulate.  
We found Owen a (much-too-tart) guava!

That evening, we spend time lounging and eating with Hadleys poolside.  Up to this point, I never wanted a pool but when we hung with them, I realized there is a place for even surfers to have another water play source.

The next day, I went out for a birthday run and a birthday lunch with Hilary and her mom after teaching my classes virtually.  Happy 42 to me!

Owen had a bubble splash day at the school carnival.

Kate met friends at the beach and I planned to surf with Owen or a friend, but he slept so we changed plans to another coastal walk.

Keoki's takeout for dinner, followed by fancy dessert.

We hosted student led conferences and the kids said goodbye.  I will miss so much seeing kids at Costco, at the surf breaks, hanging at the beach, and just around town.  I could not go anywhere without seeing a student, and it was so lovely.

Private lesson and video recordings with Miss Hilary to create a mashup for a dance studio tryout:

Last-ever piano lesson with Ms. Lois.  She has faithfully and patiently taught our kids for 8 years.
Last Day of School waffles, water slides, and BBQ at the Johnson's house.  We talked and slid for hours.  Well, not me.  I experience zero FOMO on homemade tarp waterslides.

Zachary almost didn't come but he decided to come "just to eat" and stayed for 4 hours, running into Finn.  These two beat to the same drum, and have known each other since they were a few weeks old.

Finn told his parents that he would like to spend the money they were using to go to Australia to come snowboard in Utah with Zac.  Again with the heart eyes!
Checking out at HTA.  Goodbye, classroom and staff.  As one teacher commented when we were having tech difficulties, "At Hawai'i Technology Academy, we do technology....exactly the same as everyone else."  Obviously a joke and our school worked to make more opportunities for kids regardless of their background and circumstances.  I loved that my students came from all incomes and backgrounds, and my school was publicly-funded and tuition-free.  So proud to be a teacher a school that really believed they could impact lives of children and work with the community.  We had more external learning and field studies than any school I've ever heard of, and as teachers, we intentionally collaborated weekly to make these field studies fundamental to our curriculum and essential state standards.  It was not a perfect school!  I believe students should be in person daily and not on devices for learning, but it was such a good experience and environment.
Goodbye, Koloa Library and Koloa Elementary!
A windy, no-surf day meant a great day for the Kekala Makai pool:

Another evening walk:

Brady and the kids ran ahead and hid at different parts of the hike, telling Rox to stay and then videoing when she raced to discover them.
These pics all start looking the same, but oh my, this was one happy dog.

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