Sunday, July 21, 2024

March & Spring Break

My parents came to visit the week before Spring Break.  I take full responsibility for them coming the "wrong" week--I told them the dates of the year prior rather than the correct year, and they booked tickets before I could correct my mistake a day later.  It worked okay, though, since we had originally planned to backpack the week of Spring Break.

We had a lovely bonfire night at Polihale.

Loved talking with my mom, watching the waves.

We taught Mom and Dad Skull King and played many rounds of Cover Your Assets.
A Sunday evening, sunset stroll complete with many whale sightings.

Watching for turtles at our turtle spot.
Kate's birthday party was the next day.  We hosted at Koloa Landing, and she invited an eclectic group of school and church friends.  I was grateful for the turnout since Spring Break parties can sometimes be sparsely attended.

Daysha and Summer: Kate's friends since kinder.

Kate and Summer:

Kate and surf-partner, Daysha, who wrote in Kate's card, "I would like to say I'm shocked you are moving to Utah but I'm not.  I know it's been one of your dreams."  I will miss this girl and her dad and mom.

Ballerina-friend Phoebe:
Lucie, who Kate has known since preschool and danced with for years. Lucie was also in my math class this year.
Penelope, another friend since preschool and through dance:

Singing "Happy Birthday" under the cabana:

Ella struggled at this party a bit.  She has had an understandably difficult time accepting Kate's move and that turned to some aggressive behavior toward Kate.  I was so grateful for the compassionate way Kate handled it at school, despite her embarrassment and even heartbreak with the unkind way she was treated.  Ella and Kate will always be "sisters."  Rebecca (to Kate's right) was a friend she formed from Leadership this year.
Saying goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa: their last time in our Kaua'i home.

Zachary was lucky enough to join Cory, Walker, and the Ritchies for a few NCAA tourney games in Salt Lake.  They had a fancy booth and plenty of food, which softened the blow for BYU's early loss.
VASA with Cory.  Zac came home lit up over the fancy, $8/mo gym.
Making friends with Cosmo at the BYU Bookstore:
Lucky Zac ended up staying with Cory and Kristen for 2 full weeks!  They fed him, facilitated friendships, got him registered with a counselor at Lone Peak, and even met with the HS soccer coach.  Some of it was wildly intimidating for Z, particularly meeting with the coach and seeing the masses of students emerge from class after the bell.  "There are more people in the foyer than in my entire school."
Meanwhile, Kate was horribly ill and had been for 10 days when her fever spiked again.  She was diagnosed with strep and influenza, which caused her to miss the Spring Break temple trip she was looking forward to.

She was still so incredibly sick on her birthday.  Penelope came by to deliver a get well gift basket.  
Not her happiest day:

Don't blow on the cake, my sweet girl:
Meanwhile in UT:

We did another Polihale evening with friends:

It took ages for her to get back to normal.  This snotty goober says it all:

Happy Easter!  Brady was gone to Reno or California the week of Easter.  Notice the baskets of meds for the kids.

Servicing the A/C and preparing to move meant stuff was everywhere!

A quick trip for O to deal with his ear infection and sore throat.
I will miss this photo wall.  We collect ted our most treasured images and tacked them on the wall in the closet.
Notice a game score from a Brady/Zac Play 9 match: the ultimate prize for taking down your opponent heartily.  

Zachary is home!  What a long two weeks to have him away!  We missed you, and so did the pup.

Home in time for the Edwards Easter egg derby.

"Roxy" and "Cosmo Batman":
"Utah" and "Bob":
"EggY" and "EGGcellent":

"Mani" and "Pedi":
The tourney begins.

Kate wins it all!
Just another day at recess for Owen:

Mom Edwards wrote us a poem:

A hike with friends.  Kate wasn't feeling quite good enough yet, but she tried!  

These girls!  So kind to Owen.

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