Monday, July 22, 2024

April Showers Bring an Ace and Owen Baptism

 Once the news was out, I felt I could really start to grieve for Kaua'i.  I decided to take pictures of things I would miss, and things that I would not.  I will desperately miss this run that I did at least once a week during soccer season.  It is in Lihu'e by the Marriott, and bursting with vibrant flowers and foliage.

Kate finally recovered!  
An Owen/Kate playdate in the rain.
I visited the KCC Apiary with the HTA co-workers.

Owen made huge strides on Coach Olin and Coach Matt's team.  He always knew where to be, made excellent passes and crosses, and generally felt happy to be practicing and on the field.
Zachary was dared to drink a chemistry experiment for $12.  I received a photo of his text exchange with our doctor friend.  (I need to attach that photo!)  Spencer, the ER doc shown below, also had threads going with him and was on the phone immediately helping with poison control. Zac gifted both doctors his winnings--$6 each.  Spencer said he plans to invest it and give it back to Zachary after his mission.  Ha!  Gratefully, the experiment was harmless and there were no ill effects.  His teacher publicly shamed him in front of his soccer teammates and Zac took it all pretty well.
A Sunday stroll with Smiths, Johnsons, Clarks, and Stebbins at Kukuiolono...another thing I will miss so much:

Sunday ultimate football:

Lowick, Azie and Owen at Run Club.
Love catching this kiddo snatching a snooze.
Between painting and house projects, Hilary and I stayed motivated to "live right" with out hour excursions.  The rain created chocolate milk surf conditions so we walked at Allertons.
High water!  Roads, golf course, and parking lots were filled with muddy rainwater and debris.
Getting house staged with a few plants and materials for repairs.  We get excited to take Roxy into the store.
Kalawai soccer field with pennies much too big, sunsets, and plenty of laps with my "little white dog" who is famous here.
Run Club: rain or shine!  These kids were committed to their goals.  Azie hit 50 miles and Owen hit 75.  Lowick ran 84!

Walking in Lawai with our pups in the rain.

Piano lessons in Lihue.  Owen plays "traffic cop" with me--basically me chasing him around to give him tickets for driving violations on his scooter and razor.
Another soccer practice run, this time intercepting with Sharon!  She was my nurse for both Kate and Owen, and we know her kids well.  It was so nice to catch up and let her know we were leaving.
We painted the garage doors and much of the exterior of the house in addition to the power washing.
Owen and Lowick asked for time together most days of the week.  They got so close--chasing waves together, skim boarding, jumping on the trampoline, and playing Nintendo Switch.  

More exterior work.  More sweat.  I injured myself this day, pulling a muscle from overstitching my back/neck.
Carol's wedding!  We knew Carol and Merv before his catastrophic stroke which left him debilitated for 6 years.  She was a patient caregiver.  He passed several years ago and she met her new husband online.  Wishing her all the happiness.

Carol was always the stake choir director, and I played for many, many of her rehearsals and special numbers.
Another day of laps around the playground.  I love being the cheerleader/coach.

Another Lawai walk with the cows, stream, and tropical foliage.

This year, I taught the Artist-in-the-School curriculum to Owen's class once a month.  I love being in the classroom and seeing my child in action.
Some pretty serious side-eye from Mona.  The kids were directed to put the pupil a little more to the left, Sio all Mona's looked suspicious that day.
Sheraton days.  I remember Zachary sand sliding his afternoons away, and love watching Owen never tire from his many sprints to the waves.

Zachary bumped a curve which caused a flat tire and was powerful enough to pump the speedometer off-track.  Brady got a quote for about $2000 to fix and decided YouTube was good enough for this truck that was going to get us less than 10K in a month.  Well-done, babe.
Another lighthouse run.
Owen scored a goal in this game!  
Soccer Saturday, watching both boys play and Zachary ref.

We took the kids out to our favorite date night spot: Kalaheo Cafe.  Kels joined us for our family outing.  Turkey burger and garlic fries: I will miss you.

Owen considered getting baptized in Utah over winter break, but ultimately decided against it so he could get baptized in front of his friends--and of course get leis.  He willingly waited for his big day so Ace, his buddy all his life, could get baptized at the same time.  It was such a sweet experience.  So many friends came to support, the lunch went perfectly, Kate and Beck gave talks, and Owen said he felt like he was "getting a hug from Jesus."  He was "really warm inside but so cold from the water."  (He also said, "Put a haha at the end of that.")

Older brother Seeley joining us for some cloudy, messy wave action.

Zac and Brady did a surf dog photo shoot.

Sunday walk flooded with a flooded puka and plenty of whale spouts.

Brady was in Utah for work and loved meeting Indy and studying Cory's morning routine.  His response to it all, "I want to live like Cory."

We took a spontaneous, 5 mile walk together and learned that our house sold--3 days after listing only to agents.

Owen sprinting back and forth during Zachary's game.

Zac's bling is my favorite:

Andy and Jana came to visit with their kids.  Andy is training for a marathon and Brady met up with him.  They also came for dinner at our place and the kids played non-stop on the trampoline.  So fun catching up with old buddies.

A lunch outing with Owen, complete with drink umbrellas.

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