Sunday, February 21, 2021

Zachary Turns Teen

Zachary has been on Winter Break for every birthday he can remember and disappointed that he'd be doing work on his big day.  I decorated the house, bought his Spanish Class cupcakes and a few special surprises for the day, and when he got home, he exclaimed it was his favorite birthday he can remember.  His new friends at school celebrated him, they played basketball during Spanish and he ate 11 mini cupcakes contributed by other members of the class, too.  

Roxy had her haircut that morning, and came home looking less than the adorable dog we knew.  Everyone needs a good haircut.  Poor girl had us moping about, lamenting her previous cuteness.

 Zachary was so lucky to get time with Caleb on a school night--the stars aligned with soccer and both boys' schedules.  They surfed, did tricks, dug holes, and skateboarded the night away.

We came home and made waffles--Zachary's birthday request.  Caleb, Sam, and Jakey joined us and the kids were all animated and excited to introduce the boys to orange syrup.

13 was a turning point for Zachary: first time EVER he was excited about clothes in wrapping paper.  He loved Kate's present--Billabong slippers, and his new joggers.

My mom has started making homemade cards for birthdays.  The picture he is holding up is when Zachary is a baby in my arms.
Chocolate birthday cake with chocolate icing and red sprinkles, of course his favorite.  If we are keeping track, that is 11 mini cupcakes, waffles and orange syrup, and chocolate cake and icing for the day's win.

Brady and Zachary played intense rounds of Skull King, a game I haven't beaten Zachary in since the first week received it.

Friday, I picked up a bunch of his friends from school and homes and we had lunch at Bubba's Burger followed by football on the beach, skim boarding, and boogie boarding.  I love this crew of boys and I wish I saw more of them.  I don't get to see Jojo, Mana, and David nearly as much now that they don't go to school together.
Kate had no problem being the solo female and joined in the tackles.  The other boys were gentle with her while Zachary took her down in typical sibling fashion.  I am not okay with tackle football and watched every play with my breath held.  It is impossible to play touch football with Jojo and Mana and it quickly morphs into tackle.  

Some day, Zachary will stop covering himself from head to toe with sand and I will be sad and remember fondly scratching his hair and having sand fall out in handfuls.  No sarcasm intended--I love his comfort with the sand and his lack of inhibition when he plays in it.
David came straight from the optometrists with dilated eyes to a party at the beach in the bright sunlight.  That is friendship.

A football dive and a water flip: 

Paige showed up and was so sweet with our (ugly) dog.

Kate went out surfing alone when she was tired of skim boarding and I loved watching her carry the board back in the sunset.
Jojo asked me to let him smash a cupcake in Zachary's face.  We were outside and I somehow forgot about last year when he was a little overly emphatic, so I gave the ok.  He basically punched Zac in the face with chocolate.  Zachary was tough and handled it just fine and with laughs though he told me that night, "It hurt like crazy."

Zachary is energy and passion.  When he plays soccer or surfs, skimboards or plays the piano, he is intense and focused.  He does not always love to practice the piano, but he is always responsible and gets it done.  He does not always want to go to to soccer, but once he gets back in the car, it's with a bright, pink face full of energy.  When he reads, he is lost for hours.  

He is showing more and more consideration for others.  Today, I was cleaning the benches at church alone.  He joined me without being asked. Yesterday, he spent his own money on a drink for himself and Caleb at the store on the way to the beach.  Otis was there, too, and he gave up his drink without thinking for a second about keeping it.  He made the best peanut butter chocolate chip cookie of my life this week.  Last night before he went to bed, he offered to get up and help make our Sunday breakfast with me.  He takes Roxy potty every morning.  He irons his clothes before church and helps Owen get dressed.  He loads the car when we surf.  

Zachary asks thoughtful questions and seems okay with nuances.  This is progression for him as most of the world was black and white prior to the last few years.  His teachers like him and he seems to make friends at school without trouble.  He is not ultra-extravert but seems comfortable in most environments.  His 7th grade experience has been filled with a lot more confidence than mine, and I'm so relieved.

Zac and I bond over card games.  He is talking to me more and more and I hope that continues.  We discuss surfing, funny moments at school, and awkward moments.  We battle over hygiene, technical music, and showing work in math.  Brady and I watch fantasy movies with him simply for the experience of sitting by him and enjoying something he loves.  Super heros are maybe my least favorite movie genre right after horror, but I will watch anything with Zachary.

Happy, happy birthday to Zachary!  He is so fun to celebrate.


Elise Edwards said...

Happy birthday Zach!! His day looked so fun!!


Kevin Nufer said...

Nice tribute to Zac. What is "technical music"?