Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mosquito Lovers Do Glacier, 4: Skipping Rocks, Fine Dining, and Campfires

Shipping out of the backcountry on Day 3.  We knew it was a long day--nearly 13 miles--and we revved up and set off early-ish.  We still found time to do a few more rock skips with perfectly shaped rocks.

We also made time for a waterfall shower.  I have never submerged my body in water this cold and I realized instantly why people drown in cold water sometimes.  I was able to touch and never in danger, but if I was in the middle of the falls, it's possible my muscles would be too cold to make it back to shore.  Cory captured the exceptionally awkward climb out of the water on video.

Brady: "This waterfall is not to be mist."
Breakfast at the falls.  This is Brett's REI ad, ruined by two girls in sports bras.

Last time over the suspension bridge:

We stopped for lunch at mile 9, ready for shade and water.  It was the hottest hiking we did on the trip and we dreaded the last few miles of incline, but they turned out to be very manageable and before we knew it, we were up to the parking lot.  Brady and I were abandoned in the bathrooms while the rest of the gang ran off to Canada.

We chose the restaurant with high reviews--a whopping 3 stars--and ordered very mediocre food which tasted a lot better than mediocre because after dehydrated lasagne and chicken for 3 days, anything tastes good.  They brought us out huckleberry shakes and a mountain of sugar and we wrecked our fat camp by downing it all.
The girls wanted to buy a $5 shower, and Kristen generously let me share hers.  Somehow, we did not see each other naked which was very skillful of us.  We could not work up the gumption to make a campfire that night, and instead crashed at 10pm.

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