Thursday, June 13, 2013

More Lemons for 2013

 The first week of May was full of disasters.  First, our computer crashed.  Completely dead--including the electronic burning smell.  Here is Brady trying to resurrect it.
The same day, our washing machine broke.  I was getting ready in my bathroom and heard a huge crash.  I worried that Kate was hurt, and came out to the washer completely in the middle of the garage, still running, but with the door wide open.  The landlord has our lease agreement stating they fix all appliances except the W/D.  We just sold our set (that we purchased in January) because we didn't have space for 2.  Argh!
The next day, Brady's iPhone broke.  
Fourth, our garage door opener broke.  
To top off the week, I took Kate to a specialist in Oahu for the sores she's had on her knees an entire year.  This is what they looked like the day I took her in.  They've looked much, much worse.

On the way to the airport, I got stuck behind a head on collision (I was a mile behind the accident), and missed my flight.  We were at a stand still for over an hour, with Kate crying hard the entire time.  The insurance company said I was going to have to pay for the flight since it was "my fault" I missed the flight, but thankfully, after a fair amount of stress and headache and Brady's mad negotiating skills, Hawaiian Air agreed to put me on another flight.  I got to Honolulu, barely made it to the clinic before closing, turned around after the appointment, and got stuck in rush hour traffic.  
I knew Kate was exhausted.  She couldn't fall asleep the night before--it was very hot in our house that night.  She also missed her nap completely because of the traffic and hours in the airport, followed by the time at the doctor's office.  She had been crying--well, screaming--in the car for about an hour and a half in Honolulu.  Five minutes before pulling into the rental car return, I turn around to quiet and see this:

Poor baby, poor mommy.

But when life gives you lemons...

Lemonade 1:  Brady figured out how to get our washing machine functioning.

Lemonade 2: We bought a Mac.  We've wanted one for a long time, and now that I have one, I'm not positive this was what I expected.  Learning new technology is a little frustrating, and makes me feel like an anti-computer, 75-year-old.  I am figuring it out, though, and love the features like iPhoto, and the compatibility between our phones and iPads.  I'll get there!

Brady wanted the 27" screen.  I used pictures of the screen (the one below is 21") to show him how huge the screen was compared to their heads.  He still wanted the 27" until we brought it home and it looked like we had two TV screens in our living room.  Now we have the 21".

Lemonade 3 & Lemonade 4:  Brady's work replaced his phone (he was due for an upgrade), and our landlord fixed the garage door.

Lemonade 5:  Kate's appointment did not tell us anything.  The dermatologist had his colleagues come look at it, spouted off two unreasonable ideas for a diagnosis, and told me conflicting information like, "You should be worried," and "She may never be able to play sports," while at the same time saying, "It is probably not treatable," and "I wouldn't lose sleep over it."  Okay.  Well, the lemonade here is that her knees look so good right now.  So good that I get tears in my eyes writing this.  After her appointment, I was telling a friend that this is the first time I've had the "mommy instinct" that everything will be okay.  For the last six months, her poor knees have worried me like crazy.  They've looked alarming at times and cause her so much discomfort and pain.  Most moms worry about kids hurting their heads, and I worry almost exclusively about knees.  We will probably see more specialists and I'm sure we are not done with the knee problem, but we think it is going to be okay eventually.

Lemonade 6:  Lots of other bad things could have happened that week.  Every time I go to the dentist or take my kids to the dentist, I worry about cavities.  No cavities for any of us!

 Kate's first time in "the chair."  She handled it much better than her mommy does.
Everyone has rainy days.  We've had lots of sunshine in our lives lately, too.  Mostly, I thought it was bizarre how many things went wrong in ONE WEEK!


Kristen said...

I can imagine the screaming in the car in a traffic jam. I would have gone a bit crazy. That to me seems like the worst part of all of this. Glad things are looking up!

Eric and Jill said...

Woah, mama! I'm so relieved things ended on a good note. You must be so relieved that Kate's knees are healing on their own. Shwoo!