Sunday, March 07, 2010

Campfires and Wide Open Spaces

Two weeks ago, prior to all the tsunami drama of last weekend, we planned a camping trip with our friends Chad and Mary, Matt and Megan, and Lance and Melissa. It didn't quite go as planned--on our way to Polihale, our original destination, Chad called to inform of us gusty conditions. Sand and wind don't mix well for a delightful camping experience, so instead, we went to Koke'e (aka the mountains). Here is our odd camping arrangement (notice on the far left that we still have our 8 man tent purchased 9 years ago and still used by far fewer than 8 men):
Aside from Boy Scout camp and Young Women's camp, we've never done camping at Koke'e. It was COLD--probably under 40 degrees. The perk was hanging out by the fire all night long until we finally dragged ourselves away long enough to sneak in 3-4 hours of sleep. We chatted it up, played "Password," and I downed more perfectly-roasted marshmallows than I care to admit. It was also sweet to have Zachary sleeping in our arms most of the night--it was too cold to leave him alone in the tent.
Chad cooked us up some breakfast meet--the kind that definitely sticks to your bones.
Lance delivered the pancakes.
The kiddos chased each other around for a few hours.
Camping just isn't an overall good experience for me unless it is combined with an adventure. We decided to hike Awa'awa'puhi trail the next morning. First, though, we checked out the Kalalou Lookout, since it was a gorgeous morning and we were only a mile or two away.
The trail is about 6 miles there and back, and if you are up for a long hike (in other words, you do not have a 30 pound child on your back), it loops up with the Nu'alou Trail we did a few weeks ago. We definitely prefer the Awa'awa'puhi--it is more scenic throughout, has a better lookout, and the uphill climb on the way back is not as steep.

Me and Megan:
The Ellis Clan:
Zachary loves Linnaea so much, it's hard to describe. He lights up whenever I say we're about to go see her, points out her house as we drive by on the way to church, and wants to to run around with her whenever they are together.
The viewpoint snacks, combined with little sleep the night before, did them both in on the way back.
This week's adventure was surfing in the cold, cold water at Hanalei. We didn't take pictures, mostly because we didn't do very well! The waves were hard to catch this week, and mostly we paddled around and shivered. Time to look at wet suits.


Ryan and Christina said...

Love the sleeping babes pictures, adorable!!

NW Varneys said...

What? Perfectly roasted marshmallows and Password aren't enough for you, Karen? ;)