Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brady's 30th Birthday

Brady, Zachary, and I were all very ill on Brady's actual birthday. We stayed home from church and everything. We still ate cake. We are Edwards. We eat cake and pretty much anything with sugar on proper occasions. Who cares that we can't taste it?

Zac was finally well enough that he could taste. He ate it all up.

To celebrate, we went to dinner on Friday night, opened presents, and kept things low-key. We were moving, and our condo was too small to host a party. I had to wait until the following weekend to throw a party.

I planned the party for the day after our move. The next day, a Friday, was really our only option. Saturday, most of our guests were going to the temple in Kona, and if I waited another week, it would just be out of place. At 5:30pm on Thursday night, we got back to our new house after cleaning the condo. Not one box in our new house was unpacked. All I could think was "Uh, oh." I'm sure Brady thought I was crazy when I asked him to hang paintings in our living room while absolutely surrounded by boxes.

Friday was chaos, but it got done--enough. When Brady got home from work at 5:30pm, I told him I needed an hour to myself to go run and just have some quiet. He believed me, and took Zachary to the park, asking me to PICK HIM UP! How perfect! I thought he must know about the party based on the ideal circumstances.

I ran around like crazy, setting out my (hidden) food, decorating with helium balloons (stuffed inside my car's trunk all day long), and putting the room into party condition. It was 6:20pm when I got IN the shower, and guests showed up at 6:30pm. Whew! I picked Brady up from the park and as we pulled into the driveway, his only comment was, "Why is Shaun's [Brady's boss] car in our driveway???" He said it with irritation, so I knew I had him!

We had some yummy pizza from Brick Oven, and then watched Brady open some gifts.

Everyone was a good sport and played "Hilarium" with us. Thanks, VEM fam, for providing our entertainment. It was "hilarious!" If you haven't played this one before, it's worth a purchase. It's sort of like really loud charades.
Birthday cake #2:Here I am telling him it better not take 5 tries to blow out the candles (like it did with cake #1):

Karaoke can be a bear at parties. It can be what makes everyone decide to suddenly leave, or those who do participate sing seriously and everyone wonders why they are staying. I was nervous to try it out, but with this group, I thought it would fly. Enough people there didn't care about appearances.

Brady bearing his soul:

Me and Wendy wailed:
Preggo Rachel and Julie:The boys:
Genevieve, who provided the machine and music!
Will and Karen, who were up so many times, I couldn't keep track of numbers. They were in karaoke heaven.I am sure our neighbors are questioning the judgement of the owners in their decision to rent to us after so much noise, but maybe they'll forgive and forget. Happy Birthday, Brady!


Heather said...

Happy birthday brady!!
i didn't know you guys were moving? congrats to that! you'll have to email me your new address so i can update my christmas card list (which i am obsessed with). heym give us some details on the house, where its at!!

Suburban Monkey said...

The big 30!!!! Looks like you guys had a great time! Happy Birthday Brady!!

Eric and Jill said...

LOVE karaoke!!! But seriously. I'm questioning the song choice in the last pic. ;) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Brady! And great job with the surprise party, Karen!

Ryan and Christina said...

Happy Birthday Brady-wow big 3-0! Do you feel old now? Ha, ha!
So I guess I'll need your new address. We will be sending out birth announcements soon (hopefully :) ), so send me an email chica!

Scott and Natalie said...

I cannot believe you pulled off a surprise party the day after moving. Truly incredible! Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you! You'll have to do it again in Spetember! (I am so excited!)

Anonymous said...

Um, Natalie, do you actually KNOW Karen? Because, as her aunt who has known her for 10 years now, I have to say that I am not surprised in the least. More like par for the course, if you ask me.

And I also have to say that it's really pretty sad just how miserable both of your boys look in that first picture, where they are trying to pretend that they're cheerfully blowing out candles, when in fact they want to drink a bottle of NyQuil each and roll back into bed. I hate being sick on my birthday. Poor boys!!! Glad you made up for it later!

Natalie and Steve said...

Wahoo! I'm glad you were able to keep it a surprise! Good work. Happy Birthday Brady!

NW Varneys said...

Happy 3-0, Brady!!!

Roni, Coleman, Makadie and Anika said...

Happy Birthday Brady~

Looks like you Partied like you were still in your 20's--just kidding--those of us not in that category STILL can PARTY!