Sunday, July 26, 2009

All Work and No Play

I'm a sucker for recreation. Lately, with our move and previous illness, it's been hard to get a few hours of fun squeezed in. I told Brady that I want our Saturdays as protected as our Sundays--no one takes our time, we decide how to spend it. Sounds pretty crabby of me, but you have to defend the weekend!

We got our weekend, and spent it dancing in waves and sunshine, plus another run to Home Depot and our typical weekend tasks. Friday night, we each had over an hour to zoom around on big waves, visit with friends, and end the night with a hot tub and show. Saturday, we both ran long and hit Brennecke's again before heading over for some delicious, Cafe Rio-inspired fresh Mex with friends.
Brady getting some sun:
Tonight finished it off for us with a seashore stroll. The waves crashed hard against the cliff side and Brady kept commenting on how much his dad would love this. All I could think was, "Why did it take us so long to move to Koloa?"
Shots from earlier in the week
Brady fed Zac lunch on Monday so I could run at lunchtime, and we could see the early Harry Potter show after work. I came back inside to find them both zonked out.
Poor Zac has been wearing long-sleeved PJs for too long (the long-sleeves used to help him sleep at night). We finally got some new ones for the scortcher evenings we've had lately.It's so precious to come into his room and see him reading to himself. It happens almost daily.


Heather said...

Love your pictures. i was telling matthew that zac and andrew look a lot a like. it's really crazy. they have the same coloring and hair.
i wish i could defend our weekends. but right now they belong to the softball tournaments.

Em said...

I LOVE your weekend philosophy. I think we adopt it! Is it possible that your photos get more gorgeous every post?

Scott and Natalie said...

Zach is getting so big! I can't wait to see him running around!

I am so impressed with his ability to handle the sand. I took Bryn to the beach this weekend and she hated being sandy. I guess you acclimated him since birth...

Brady and Karen said...

Yeah, he can't get enough sand, in his diet and otherwise. What impresses me is his fearlessness with waves. Waves will knock him underwater, and he jumps up without any fear or anxiety. Crazy.

Leslie said...

We love your pictures!!

Natalie and Steve said...

It really is cute to see him reading to himself. We loved beach time with you too, so I'm betting you are just having a blast!

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

Zach is adorable, we can't wait to see you guys next week! We are going to have to do a lot of playing.

Kathey said...

I enjoyed all your pictures, but especially loved the first one. When Peter was that age his very favorite toy was a child-size broom. He would follow me around sweeping. It was great fun.--K

Jenni said...

I can't believe how big he is! Wow. I think the older he gets, the more he looks like your whole family!