Monday, October 08, 2007


...means "thank-you." Thanks to everyone for your prayers, thoughts, kindness, and support.

It is tempting to erase the last couple blog entries, but that seems silly now. For any of you confused viewers, the adoption did not work out due to circumstances beyond our control. We are recovering, and doing pretty well. At this point, it is time to look at the bright side.

So, how was our vacation to CA? Well, here were a few highlights:

1. Hanging with the CA Edwards. We loved Blake's long hair, his presents, and his personality. We adore Rachel's high heeled shoes, bear hugs, and the way she said "Uuuuke" for Luke. We loved Ellie's bright eyes. Mostly, we loved hanging out with Kristen and Cory. They were very gracious, and even let us put 1,000 miles on their car.

2. Staying in Hangtown, USA. We were able to stay in the Cary House Hotel, a "charming" establishment in Placerville built in 1857. It is considered to the be the second most haunted hotel in America, according to the Travel Channel. It's elevator is the second oldest west of the Mississippi, built in 1926. Mark Twain even frequented the hotel in 1888.

3. We met up with my dad's mission companion and BYU roommate, and had a grand stay with them. They had a gorgeous library and piano room--two of my ultimate dreams. They were also very friendly, and we hope to have a lasting relationship.

4. We were able to eat at many fine establishments not found on Kauai, such as Macaroni Grill, Olive Garden, and Round Table Pizza.

5. We had lots of phone calls from family and friends. It was a good time to "catch up."

6. We had the opportunity of sleeping on 5 different beds! You can't get that at home. We could sleep on 2 different beds here, and possibly the Pack-n-Play if absolutely necessary.

7. We went to Lake Tahoe. Granted, we were there about 45 min, and most of that time was spent looking for a restroom. It was beautiful, though, and a great outlet for our anxiety. We loved hearing the sound of the water, and realized how addicted we are to living near the ocean.

8. We learned about generosity. Some people really are not inherently selfish, and if they are, they are doing a fantastic job hiding it. We had a foster family involved who opened up their home indefinitely to us. They were also trying to adopt a child, and received no compensation for their willingness to help us. They did not even know us! What a beautiful sacrifice they were willing to make!

9. We got some shopping exursions in. Brady purchased a few pairs of pants, and I got some new shirts. We also got our traditional "Pumpkin Spice" candle. Yummy.

10. We saw Fall! Seasons do not change so much around here, so it was fun to see bright red trees, crunch in some leaves, and enjoy the crisp temperatures of northern CA.

11. We were parents for two days. It was awesome--no sleep, a red bum, and spit up. Bring it on.

12. Due to changed travel arrangments, we were able to visit with Eric and Jillian in Hawaii for all of 24 hours! We were happy to see them, and the time we had together.

Our vacation was filled with new adventures. We are happy to be home. We feel a little like we need a vacation from this vacation!


Natalie and Steve said...

My goodness Karen! Looking at these pictures makes me miss you SO much! I can't wait until I get to see you again! (And definitely you too Brady!) I love you both!

Emily said...

You guys are so amazing. You have handled this whole thing with such a great attitude. We have been thinking about you guys constantly the past few weeks and hounding Cory and Kristen for information. We hope you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. You are both amazing examples. We hope that next time you are in California we will actually be able to see you both, we have really missed having you around.

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

We love you guys. Great blogging, you are amazing Karen, I hope I can always be trying to look at the bright side of things like you. Keep smiling!

Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

We love you guys. Great blogging, you are amazing Karen, I hope I can always be trying to look at the bright side of things like you. Keep smiling!

Travis and Jamie said...

Oh I just want to give you both a HUGE hug. You guys are amazingly positive. We miss you guys and continue to pray for you and the future of that cute little baby.

Suzie said...

Brady and Karen, we know that something will work out. You are so amazing! You are in our prayers. We missed you at our little party! You had better be there next time! We can't wait to see you guys again.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so popular! Everyone is probably jealous that we get to hang out with you guys all the time. Don't forget, even if we move apart someday, we need to all come back and live in the Regency retirement home someday.

Douglass Family said...

What a trip. We are sorry to hear about the situation, but know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. It was fun to read about your trip, and glad you got to experience "fall". We feel the same way when we go to Utah after living in the Desert. Stay in touch!

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys are doing ok. I know that sometimes even if you put on a positive face you are still having a hard time deep down. Eric and I love you and we hardly know you! Nic and Heidi are lucky to live so close to you guys. Karen -- email me if you want to. we can talk or something.

Kristen said...

And, you got to see the biggest hands and feet on a newborn ever.

The Marecles said...

We were sorry to hear that things didn't work out with the adoption. You have such a great attitude and we know that things will work out for you. It sounds like you had a great trip though. We send our love, keep updating your blog we love to see what new adventures you get to go on.

Anonymous said...

Brady and Karen, We were sorry to hear that things didn't go exactly to plan while you were in California. You remain in our thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated. The Williams

Scott and Natalie said...

Let me know if you want to do the shark thing still. :)

Dale and Linda said...

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. You really have a lot of prayers and support from all over the country. We just got back from seeing Dean and Lana in MI. They are doing such a good job, and are looking great. The missionaries love them so much. One sister told me that they were "perfect". I think she is absolutely right! We also did a couple of days in Nauvoo. That is the most beautiful temple! We love you both and admire your strength and example.

Nathan said...

I was totally expecting you to say that visiting Winn Co was the highlight of your trip, but it didn't even get mentioned!

Laura's brother and his wife went through something very similar earlier this year. It sucked. When we heard about your experience, we were livid.

You'll pull through it, you are after all part of the Edwards family. Good fortune seems to abound for you guys.

NW Varneys said...

That man hanging from a noose is pretty creepy. Did you see any ghosts?

We continue to pray for you! Miss you so much!

Brett and Shireen Olsen said...

Love you guys and thinking of you... You are amazingly strong people, both of you. Sending our love from AZ!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!
Just want to say hey! Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time, and can't help but admire your amazing attitude. Love ya guys!