Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Bachelor's Best and Worst

The most incredible sunset I have ever seen.
No explanation required. Yuck!Rock jumping and rope swinging.
Battle of the Cane Spider--the broom won, but my nerves were shot.
My daily lunch spot.
I'm out of my first can of Raid already.Swimming with sea turtles.

I'm glad Karen arrives here shortly, it's her turn to take care of the next spider.


NW Varneys said...

Good thing you show us the huge bugs and spiders--it makes us a little less envious of you guys living in paradise...although not much since you also showed those "other" pictures...

Scott and Natalie said...

I was wondering what you were doing without your better half! We can't wait to come visit you guys!

Scott and Natalie said...

Dude, take some advise and invest in a pest control sprayer person! Those cane spiders look nasty!

Douglass Family said...

That spider looks just like the one on the movie Arachnophobia. You Better wait until Karen gets there before you decide to watch it though!

Roni, Coleman, Makadie and Anika said...

Man, I hope that you have that scary bug (monster) problem under control before V.E.M. meets up in Hawaii! Brady does it bring back fond memories of all the spiders (were they Hobo or Brown Recluse--I don't remember) you used to tell us about in the complex you managed in Provo! I hated those stories~~

Hang in there until Karen shows up, will she really be much help with the spider problem though? I know I sure would not be!

Cameron and Katie said...

That spider is nothing. I eat spiders that size for breakfast!

cory said...

You eat spiders for breakfast Cameron?