Sunday, August 27, 2006

Big Trees, Big Fun

Finally! We have been so excited to go camping and this weekend was very anticipated. The location was last minute, but the experience was perfect. We drove two hours to arrive at Calaveras Big Trees State Park--home of the Giant Sequoias.

A combination of getting out of town a little later and the travel time taking longer than expected meant setting up camp at dusk. It didn't matter though, we were thrilled to be out in the woods. As seen below, I impressed Karen yet again with my fire starting ability (and I'm not even an Eagle Scout).

Friday night's menu included hot dogs roasted to perfection, chips with ridges, and crispy red grapes. Of course all this was shortly followed by smores. (Have you seen Karen's marshmallow roasting skills?)
The ground was hard (air mattress has a hole), but we slept beautifully. The next morning we ate with anticipation for the morning's activities.....hiking!
It was better than we had hoped. This is actually one tree, not two.
It was worth a try....

There really is some interesting history in these woods. This tree is over 1400 years old. After it was cut down in the mid 1800's, the stump was used as dance floor for several years.

We were pleasantly surprised to also find a river....with fish in it too. Unfortunately, I left my pole at home. Karen says the white water really adds color to my legs.

The next thing I knew Karen was jumping in the river, clothes and all.
The water did look refreshing.

Who's coming with us next time?


Scott and Natalie said...

Count us in! You know Natalie and I love camping! This looks like a fun trip. I'm glad Karen jumped in with her clothes on, otherwise, this would really have been a striking picture! ;)

Oh, nice legs Brady!

NW Varneys said...

You know we'd be there if we could. Your tent brings back memories, and why the #@!! did you not bring your pole, Brady. You know better than that!

Eric and Jill said...

Yeah Brady, why the H-E-double hockey sticks didn't you bring your pole?! It baffles me!

I want to be a tree huggin', marshmallow eatin', campin' fool!

Brady said...

Let's camp in NY, Jill.

Eric and Jill said...

H-E-double hockey sticks yeah!

Natalie and Steve said...

Awesome! I know how much you two enjoy hiking! How long was the drive?

Anonymous said...

Natalie, that would be 2 hours, like brady said. Please refer to paragraph 1 (you know, the first thing he said) =)
Looks like fun

cory said...

Karen ate a hot dog? I don't believe it. I want to see the picture.