Thursday, August 17, 2023

More Maycember: Sleeping Beauty, May Days and Sweaty Bike Rides

 Kate's Biggest May event: Sleeping Beauty.  It meant every day rehearsals for weeks, and her room and life reflected the priority.

Pointe was so new to her and she was not sure if she would perform on pointe or in flats.  She attended extra rehearsals and trainings with her generous teachers who ultimately decided she could go pointe for the show.

I loved her alarmingly green wig!  Her solo and group efforts were stunning.

Kate has the most supportive school friends.  Daysha, Cambry, Kelsey and Summer showed up to support her and Naomi.

Kate with Miss Hilary:

Miss Sara:
If ever it seems like she is growing up too fast, all I have to do is pretend this is someone else and not my ballerina girl.

Brady's new wheels arrived.  He mocks my nonchalance but cars have never been a thing for me.  I will say that it is so comfortable and I love that it's electric.

Zachary wanted to bond more with Owen and spent quite a few evenings doing trampolines and playing "Scott Sterling" at goal with him.  The boys laughed and laughed.

Owen earned his traffic-cone-orange shirt from run club after hitting the 25 mile benchmark.  He only went once a week for a semester, so he worked hard for it the days he attended.  It was one of my favorite ways to volunteer with the school and I could not believe how many kids continued to show many months in.  Most run days, we had 35-50 kids running laps before school started.
A little hike for Daddy/O time.
Grocery-price inflation has been brutal here:
Owen got sick...again.  Poor kid missed 20+ days of school last year.  I would never send a kid to school within 24 hours of a fever but I also get terrified to send him with any semblance of a sniffle since COVID.  We still have quite a few people masking and notes home that tell students not to come to school with any symptoms.  It's been convenient working from home two days a week because fever day has fallen on work-from-home day so many times.
So proud of Kate for accompaning her chorus concert!  She worked on the song for months and performed it--standing up!--confidently and flawlessly.
The sky threatened to dump rain any moment at this outdoor concert, and I hoped she wouldn't have to delay the performance.  Soon after, it rained as hard as I've ever seen it dump here.  Kids and parents were running in every direction.  
Preparing for the downpour with the only rain protection in our car: a trash bag.  I always have an umbrella and rain jacket in there, except for when I don't.
Owen and I found flowers and created his May Day Lei!  His long locks and surf hat...sigh.  Kiddo, you have my heart.

I was torn up to miss May Day this year but grateful for Brady's recordings.  I hate missing moments so much, and I'm not letting this happen next year.

Whenever I see our kids hanging by the fish pond, I remember my own fascination with ponds as a kid, and Emily falling in while feeding the ducks.

Post-surf shadow play:
Owen pulled out his own first tooth like a boss.  He told me, "I'm going to be a tooth guy.  No one but me will pull my teeth."  His tooth fairy is nicknamed Fluff, but apparently as a much longer name: Fluffernamelmolarinsky.

Ace and Owen have become attached at the hip despite attending different schools.  They love building giant towers and challenging each other in the backyard to soccer games and flips on the trampoline.

Projects of Learning for school:

I volunteered for the Koloa Carnival and loved seeing how far our little school has come with events.  We now have rides, a dunk station, popcorn bar, face painting, spray basketball, and a bunch of fun smaller stations for our end-of-year celebration.  I'm also so happy to see more parent volunteers.  Mobilizing parents is challenging and it's getting better!

With Kate at rehearsals and Zachary at practice, Owen and I had several bike rides and I showed him new ways to explore with the Hapa Road.  The ride ended with his last-day-of-school ice cream coupon.


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