Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Utah, Part 3: Getting our Nufer On

 One of my favorite parts of the trip was working out with family each morning.  Kristen is so much stronger than me and their bike is somehow harder.  Owen went to bed late but somehow rose early to pump iron with the rest of us.

Cosby looked like a Christmas decoration with his red sweater.  That dog is my second favorite animal on the planet.

When we informed family of our plans to travel over Christmas, my parents agreed to meet us there.  Kevin and Kristen also decided to make the trek cross country from Virginia, and Natalie and Steve's family had FOMO and joined as well.  It turned into good circumstances for a two-day reunion.  Day 1, we met at Provo Rec Center and I loved seeing cousins climbing the wall together before hours of swim time.

A room full of Nufers.

We had the church for 4 hours in the afternoon, and filled it with Ninja Ribbon, card games, a snack table, and Kristen/Kevin's Pictionary relay.  We had plenty of space for the chaos of so many kids, and I thought we were able to connect easily.

The best part of mini-M&M "Don't Eat Pete" was that many of the kids loaded each space with a bunch of M&Ms, defeating the purpose of this game we played all through childhood.  These two were so sweet together.

Kate, Allison, and Kelsey bonded quickly and after an couple hours of play with the group, disappeared  to compose an original musical arrangement together.


We left in time to see Audrey perform in the Hale Center Theater's "A Christmas Carol."  It was impressive, more spooky than any version I've seen, and comfortable.  Kate was enamored and dreaming of life on stage for weeks afterward.

Reunion Day 2 started at the church first thing.  Brady made some rush errands for the first bit because prepping for Christmas so far away from our home is tricky and there were a few to-dos left on the list.  We played more One-Ball-Poison and missionary tag kept us entertained for another full hour.  Todd and Rainey stopped by along with Brynn and Tom.  Brynn has been helping Emily for hours twice a week and I'm so inspired by her willingness to jump in and contribute.  The most memorable part of the day, though, was sitting around Emily who was so ill from chemo and radiation.  I felt like we were all there, hoping and wishing and loving and united in these hopes for our sister.

The girls played their compositions for us.

We all traveled to Grandma and Grandpa's that afternoon.  They generously let us use their home to gather.  Brady and I made taco soup for the family and the kids played downstairs for most of the evening.  

Four generations!

Brandon and Brady.  At the end of the night, he started crying and asked his parents, "Why do we have to live so far away from Brady?"

After many in the family left, we were there with Anna, Janece, Mom, Dad, and Grandma and Grandpa.  Anna made the comment that she came "to sing Christmas carols as promised on the itinerary."  Inside, I groaned a little.  My grandpa was clearly struggling with the noise of the evening.  With so many people assembled in one home, it was impossible to keep it quiet even with many of the kids downstairs.  His dementia has advanced so much that he does not know who any of us are and sits and listens without contributing to most conversations.  It is sad to watch this capable man with a PhD in political science sit in a fog after so many years listening to his opinions.

My grandma seemed on board with the carols idea and I did not want to disappoint my sister, so I jumped on the piano and we started singing.  Within moments, I heard the clear, deep voice of my grandfather, who despite all he has lost, remembers the words to every single hymn we sang that night.  I will never forget this tender moment as I watched him stand beside me with tears streaming, singing his testimony of the Savior through these hymns.

By the time we cleaned up and went back to Cory and Kristen's, I was so worn out but talking through plans, ideas, and books reanimated me.  We assembled ski gear and sat together talking into the later evening.  Owen did not last, which landed me one of my favorite photos from the trip:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That reunion was so fun! Thanks for letting us crash the party! That's a very sweet story about grandpa. I didn't hear about that!

I thought it was fun to see Jeremy wrestling with Grandpa. Jeremy had no idea his great grandpa had no idea who he was. Jeremy was being a little rough with grandpa's legs and I asked Grandma if she thought I should call Jeremy off. Grandma said, "Oh, no! Grandpa loves to wrestle with kids!" They were both delighted.