Monday, January 02, 2023

Utah, Part 1: Snow Greetings, Brothers Eating Tacos, and Dance Party

 Last minute trips to pick up winter gear, or, you know, close-toed shoes for the kids included multiple trips to Famous Footwear, Target, Ross, and Macy's.  When I say last minute, I mean day-before and day-off.  The only person really prepared was Kate, who shopped for her clothes the minute we booked tickets.  Zac landed in Utah with slippers only, but at least he had a sweatshirt thanks to my frantic efforts.  In my mama defense, I asked him a month ago if he had sweats and sweatshirts and he claimed he had it all.  Somehow in that month, he outgrew it.

The red eye was brutal as always but I figured out a system for sleeping in airports.

We finally arrived and Cory and Ryan were there to pick us up.  I loved hearing Cory exclaim to a tired Owen, "Hey, Buddy Boy, hop on up!"

Cory took the boys to lunch while we picked up gear from the Waltman's.  It was a perfect coincidence that their dates in Kaua'i lined up with ours in Utah, and that we share the same sizes for all children.  They borrowed our arsenal of beach equipment while we took all their ski and winter gear.  We got the better end of the bargain for sure.

Utah was a winter wonderland.

Emily checked Milly out of school just so the girls would see each other for a few minutes.  Miss these two together desperately.

We finally got to Cory and Kristen's and the kids were instantly ready to sled.  Brady and Zachary were feeling down and out, and they were generous enough to let us stay knowing: 1.  We could stay at Mom and Dad's empty place and not get anyone sick over Christmas, and 2. We'd likely infect them.  So far, so good, but really, we aren't out of the infection zone.

The first night in snow with the kids was one of the best nights of my life.  Their joy was infectious and I couldn't stop grinning.

After a delicious meal, they took us to see lights around the neighborhood.  People around there don't mess around with Christmas decor, and we watched this light show for 10 minutes.

The next morning came so early as we pushed off to Payson to attend Bryson and Ashley's wedding.  The service was lovely and the day held crisp, blue and white December weather.

Cory was not driving to Payson without stopping at his favorite taco truck.  He ordered for all the boys and they were gone in 4 bites each.

We attended the wedding luncheon after the taco appetizer.  The setting was gorgeous, and Kate loved her invite to this adult event with her cousins.
Rach has a strong hair game.

A several-hours-long break between lunch and reception meant Zachary finally got sledding time.  He ran a fever the day before and slept from 3pm to 10am the next morning.  He took the hills snowboard-style.

A much-deserved nap for the groom's parents:

In between eating tacos, brothers watch games.

Loved watching Owen and Sunny bond.
Sneaking in a workout, and unexpectedly getting the chance to run with Milla, Rachel's friend who visited us in August.  I expected to run 5 miles and it was long, but miles in Utah fly without humidity.

That evening, we had tacos (more tacos!) and danced our hearts out for an hour.  It was one of the most fun weddings I've ever attended, and I'm positive it was because we let loose with our family.  There was an abundance of laughing and jumping and singing and spinning.  What a happy evening.

Owen was an unabashed dancing king.
Zac still felt sick and exhausted but he was a good sport.

1 comment:

Kevin Nufer said...

Fun snow games! Haha, Zac arriving in sandals and a hoodie.