Friday, February 04, 2022

Brett and Shireen to Ourselves

Brett and Shireen came with their kids and we we could not be happier about it.  We have seen their kids via social media for years but never actually met in person.  The introductions were so familiar and comfortable.  The only funny part was Zachary pulling me aside and urgently exclaiming, "You told me she was 13!  She is at least 16 or 17!"

She is 13.  Meet Sariah, our friend cousin.

They arrived just in time for Owenʻs birthday, and gifted him exactly what his kinder heart desired: a SCIENCE EXPARE-MENT!

The best part of this gift for me was Sariah doing the multi-step process with him from start to finish.  I love this stuff but we have a few little art/craft/science projects sitting in the closet.

A little no-helmet show-boating swapped out our hiking plans for ER plans.  Zachary ended up with a concussion (and was still getting regular headaches for 3 weeks afterwards), but thankfully he had no brain bleeds or terrifying side-effects.  I was grateful he came straight home and told me what happened, including the part about breaking the helmet rule.

Brett and Shireen were generously took Kate and Owen on the hike up Sleeping Giant and spared them the 3.5 hour hospital excursion.  Our kids were so happy to bond and Owen took center stage in every photo op.


I made it to the trailhead in time to "hike" 0.2 miles of it with them, and to clean up my muddy buddy kiddos.  Then it was time to reward the effort with Shave Ice.

Zachary won a $25 gift card here from one of his races and generously donated it to the adventure.

We found Brett the perfect shirt to match his highlighter yellow outdoorsy gear but he passed.

Our plans to hike Hanakapaia Falls were foiled by rain.  The entire weekʻs forecast was a dismal smattering of rain, more rain, so much wind, and a few flash flood warnings.  We made the most of the clear skies with thunderous, foreboding clouds in the background and took off on the "6 mile" hike, which was actually 8 miles and my kids will never forget that I was off by 2..

But who could possibly stress over mileage with these people around?  

"Daddy, please cut my hair."

I love this coastal walk/hike for its variety: rock skipping beach, jagged lava rocks, sandstone cliffs, the Mahaulepu cave, the tortoises, walking barefoot in the sand, cruising through pines, and even a foray into a prayer labyrinth.  

One of my favorite photos of their entire trip.  Owen gave Brett a flower, which he hiked with in his hat.  Owen found his own twinning flower and also wore it--inside his ear.

Post-concussed Zac was a good sport but feeling lousy.

Oh, and the end.  The end of this hike is a beach you have all to yourself.

Couples photos:

My other photo.  This lady has taken me in as a dear friend and her loyalty and love are fierce.  

Zac has built a sandman at the beach every single time heʻs visited.

Headed back, the clouds provided cover but no drizzles.

Owen is pretty sure Sam likes him the most.  Sam makes all my kids feel that way.

Work those hiker locks, love.

The rain came overnight, creating flash floods and rivers of water all over the island.  The south side was covered in puddles.  This puka is usually deep and grassy but it was overflowing with excess water on my Saturday morning run.

The road:

The teens figured all the rain was a free pass out of hiking, and went right to work making waffles.

Meanwhile, Owen tried on his costumes and put me in jail.

Brett created a game utilizing our temporarily double-trampolined backyard, promising $20 to the person who hit a basket from the other trampoline.  This entertained the group for the rest of the morning.

We departed for the north shore, expecting the hard rain to continue but motivated by Shireenʻs confidence that weather doesnʻt stop adventure.  As we ate our sushi and curry in the car while the wipers swished vigorously, we hoped she was right.
Owen didnʻt care what the plan was as long as it included a nap.
We planned to attempt Hanakapaia Falls but the trail was still closed, so we went to Okolena instead.  It was a marshy mess, and we took before and after photos for laughs.

Owenʻs nap did nothing for his grump-o-meter and after a mile of whining and crying, we let him win and I took him back to the car.  He had willingly hiked two other days and 12 miles total, so he got a pass.
The conditions werenʻt exactly easy to navigate.
Regardless, we spent 1.5 hours running up and down Hanalei beach and it was a good decision despite my FOMO.

"Mom, you know how much I like to run on the beach.  Letʻs GO!"

Over and over and over.

Happy New Year 2022!

So rare to see Hanalei this sparsely populated.  Apparently it rained all day here, and we arrived as it was clearing.
Meanwhile, the party made it up the hill, gave themselves mud marks, and took photos from one of the prettiest places on the island.

They made it back down in time for me to take them over to Hanalei and catch a gorgeous sunset.

The kids played games as we drove home in the dark.

...and Owen snuggled up to Sam.

Loved all the living room moments--games, comparing photos, learning how to draw on the iPad...

We tried to find Brett shave ice with Mac Nut ice cream underneath, but we were 0 for 3.  We did try some trendy places and I loved them but the kids like regular shave ice and nothing with the real fruit/coconut flakes.
Last outings together: noodles for lunch and then Zac and Kate checking out the canyon with them.

Sleeping arrangements while they were here.  Kate and O were both so bummed to go back to their own rooms.

We were all so sad when it was over.  Kate cried and wished they lived closer.  Zacʻs been on multiple FaceTime calls with Sariah and Elise.  Sariah mailed an anklet to Zac that he never removes--even for soccer practice.  The Olsens showered us with useful, thoughtful after-party gifts: books and water bottles.  Come back again, friends!

Samʻs parting gifts:


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