Sunday, August 08, 2021

Two Years: Airplanes, Mountains, Trampolines, and a Luau

Two years.  It feels like even longer since we traveled to the mainland.  I dreaded our trip the week leading up, enjoying every moment of surf time with Zachary and Kate and wondering how life could possibly be better than a Kauai summer.  The kids' excitement was contagious, though, and I was happy for Brady to get a breather from work, so I tried to match their enthusiasm as we took off on one of the worst red-eyes we've had to date--with chair kicking, a chair that wouldn't recline, and a screen flashing in my eyes all night long.  I'm glad that I gave up any hope of sleep on airplanes years ago because my 30-year-old self would have been all kinds of uptight and angry, and instead I found the whole thing hilarious.
Owen does not remember being on an airplane and he watched out his window the entire way to Oahu--including all the time on the ground.  
Kate was so nervous the trip would be canceled, the flight would crash, or any other possibility her anxious heart to conjure.  To be fair, her last solid vacation was axed unexpectedly for COVID and she is a bit scarred.

We landed in Utah, and the one-liners and comedy from my kids started.

Owen: "I didn't know Salt Lake had RENTAL CARS!"

Kate: Wowed by the airport bathroom stall size and double entry.  Owen: Wowed by the free tampons.


Owen: "I didn't know there were birds in Utah!"

Owen: "Oh my goodness.  This island is HUGE!"

We stopped by Macey's for a quick breakfast and felt like criminals walking around without masks--first time since March 2020 that we've had an exposed face in public!  So strange initially but we learned you get over it fast.  I was inspired by the mainland produce selection and presentation.

Cory and Kristen gave us a warm welcome with our favorites--remembering how much Zachary loves Sour Patch watermelons, the kids love extra cheddar Goldfish, and even providing specialty ice cream from Ohio.  Love.
Having a dog has changed everything about the way my children interact with dogs.  Owen and Cosby had many intimate moments.

Cory, Kristen, Brady and I decided to go for a mountain bike ride--no, adventure!--within minutes of walking through the door and it may be the best decision we made for the trip.  We felt like garbage but knowing we could do something new dominated over any desire to sleep, and they took us on single track, up long hills, and through vistas that made my spine tingle with love for Utah.  It turns out that Peloton three days a week does not translate into excellent mountain biking skills but they were all nice to wait on me.

Next up, the trampoline house with Zachary's birth mom, Erin, and her family.  Zachary and Mila played endlessly, Zac and Erin had moments jumping together and shooting hoops, Owen and Rainn bounced into foam pits, and Kate mingled with everyone.

This drop should have a warning sign: Not for old people.

Each time they are together, I'm struck by how much Zachary and Erin look alike.  Ironically, Erin texted me that afternoon with her husband Jay's comment: "It's crazy how he didn't get your genes, but Brady and Karen's."  Ha!  I love seeing his birth parents' features in him.  We are so, so lucky to have a close relationship with Erin and her family.

The kids finally crashed for a bit on the way to meet the Waltman's in Cottonwood Canyon.
The canyon felt like another huge bonus on the day of arrival.  Add in Waltman's, and it's extra special.  It had only been 17 days since we parted ways with this family but they will always be our people.  Someday, I will come back to Utah and Emily will teach me to climb.

Brady had flashbacks of climbing this rock when he was a kid.
Kate and Milly: BFFs.

Their camper van absolutely fit the lifestyle I envisioned for them on the mainland.

The Waltmans live across the street from my great uncle, Ward Belliston, who had previously invited us to his 80th birthday party that night.  Ironically, we could not escape Kauai and spent the first night of Utah at a luau.

Yay for meeting up with extended family--my aunts Carolyn, JaNae, and Vicki, as well as Bonna, who held Zachary in the temple when we were sealed.

I loved that Finn wore his Koloa Elementary t-shirt.

Happy Birthday, Ward!

Emily and Tyler showed us around their home, located in the historic district of Salt Lake and again, exactly what I pictured for them.  I wish they would relocate but I could also see what pulled them back.
Kate slept over that night, finally meeting their beloved dog and milking every possible remaining second of Milly time.  When we met up to get her back, I cried.  These two.  Oh, I'm grateful for the memories and the people that come and sometimes go.  It is worth the friendship even with all the heartache of separation.
We drove straight to Heber for Tanner's homecoming talk, where we first saw Mom and Dad Edwards.  Hugging all this family for the first time in two years!  It was overwhelming and just writing about it makes my eyes water.  
Janece traveled to Heber with us and we were able to talk alone despite the huge gathering and extended family.  Another first since COVID--a big gathering.  Whew, it is intimidating after keeping it small for so long and I was impressed with Angela and Paul's ability to host such a party.
Owen and Walker.
Edwards cousins.
Edwards cousins plus Mom and Dad.
The girls.  Boys not pictured because Scott was recently called as Bishop and was not done with church yet.
When he showed up, Brady pulled out his surprise--a YASA t-shirt design Scott used to always wear.

Owen, Mac and Sadie.
McKay is so attentive towards Owen.  They were oozing cute moments all afternoon.

I can only imagine how Mom felt watching these boys all reunited and hanging out together.
Kate and Audrey hit it off immediately, disappearing for hours creating obstacle courses and playing basketball.

Sadie licking off peanut butter from Owen's toes.
Ang and Paul's new pickle ball court.  When we come back in two more years, we expect something even bigger in their backyard.  A man-made mountain?  Waterpark?  Skatepark?  We'll keep thinking and send in our entries.

Monday morning, we slept through our 7am wake-up to hike after lying awake on Hawaii time for hours into the night.  Sigh.  We still got in a workout, packed up, played plenty of VR, and mowed the grass before taking off mid-day for Idaho.

Jordan was Brady's mission companion, and Brady and Jordan worked together at The Colony Apartments for years in college.  They were so close and we did plenty with them in school--basketball games, dinners together, and even a trip to Tepanyaki funded by pocket change they found in vacated apartments over a year.  We haven't seen them in well over a decade and hoped to meet up.  They invited us to stay over and we had a laugh-packed night filled with photo albums, Gaga ball, huckleberry ice cream, a pool table, and hoverboards.  We came away from the experience with two realizations: 1) Our house is so boring compared to the houses we visited on vacations, and 2) Some friends can be apart for a decade and not miss a beat.

Memory lane.

Idaho classic photo:
My next house:
Bubble pancakes at the Hennefers before taking off early for Yellowstone.

1 comment:

Kevin Nufer said...

That's so fun! Biking in a canyon? Hanging out with Janece? That party with Ward and gang looked pretty fun!