Sunday, August 01, 2021

Summer Post: Father's Day, Besties, July 4, Birthday

The summer was a long series of waves, rinse, repeat.  It was perfect.  Roxy came on days that were not too hot. 

Cory and Kristen eat better quality food than we do, even when they are on vacation, and even when they come to a place without many quality options.  Leftovers from their stay...yum.

We soaked up as many days with Milly and Otis as possible before they moved mid-July.
Kate and Milly have very similar personalities--they both love to sing, dress up, make videos, laugh with their heads thrown back, and of course be in the water.
Kate wanted me to meet these brand new puppies and I refused.  No way would I be able to resist a mini Poodle puppy.

Melissa and Lance came to visit and we had them to ourselves for an evening.  It is always pleasant to realize you mesh well with another couple even a decade later.

Surfing Allertons.
A morning surf for these two girls at Waiohai.  I loved how the Waiohai uncles always acknowledged them and cheered them on.
A few times, Emily took them out and I took the younger boys to swim and boogie board.  A few times, she did the same for me.

Brenneckes in summer is a zoo.  Zachary still loves boogie boarding and he and Kate ride waves for hours.
The kids got on a waffle kick and made several breakfasts.
A day with Kobi at swim lessons.  Owen started taking semi-private lessons with the swim coach there.
Boys at the pond, feeding the huge fish.

Girls having a picnic between sessions.
A late-over girls night with this trio.  They did spa on each other, art, and then a movie.

"Good job, Dad!"
I love, love, love my new calling as Singing Time leader.  I saw this idea and replicated it with the dads in our ward.  It was so cute--when given the option, the kids almost always chose their own dads' big faces to sing through.

Happy Father's Day to a committed, loving, involved dad.

Brady told me for Father's Day, he wanted to cook brisket on his new grill.  We invited our friends over and he made tasty meat and a garlic butter sauce.  I have not eaten red meat in 15 years, and instead of trying a bite or two, I had probably 2/3 of a serving.  I was up half the night with tummy cramps and nausea but that garlic butter and perfectly cooked meat were delicious.

Zac and Caleb obsessively hunted golf balls all summer.  They have hundreds and hundreds.  Zac sold some on Craigslist, earning $100 for 400 balls.  Sadly, he took his phone pond diving and lost that money toward a new phone.  Hard lessons to learn!

Inner shotguns waves are back!

Roxy hiding out under any chair she can find, always terrified of waves coming up to get her.

So impressive to me that Zac can surf on his boogie board.

The girls were inseparable on their last few playdates, creating shows and more videos.

Three hours in the water was not enough surf time....

My favorite picture of them.
The boys started doing Waiohai more regularly, too.

Last dinner/game night at our house with the Waltman's.

Last dinner for Waltman's at Clarks.  :(
Clarks even got a piñata.
Brady and I went over for our annual Oahu meal at Moku, I mean, our dermatology check-ups and biopsies (yay for cancer-free!).

We spent the afternoon trying out couches and decided on this one.  In true Hawaii fashion, it will arrive in 6-9 months.  
Front yard mangoes from Milly's.

Bruchuetta in the bathtub.

Owen and Uncle "Mick":

Roxy's monthly trim:

For July 4th/Brady's birthday, we made homemade pizzas on the grill and lit off fireworks.

The pizzas were killer.

I finally made a pretty buttermilk cake.

Happy 42, baby!

The morning of, the kids made him a special breakfast--blueberry waffles.  He had the day off and we spent time at the beach and playing games.

Owen made him a "special present," which he came into the room and wrapped before 6am that morning.  It was a cardboard boxed "framed" photo of Kate and Kelsey.  Ha!  He was so excited for Brady to open it.
Zachary biked to the shops and bought him a hat and his favorite candy with his own money.
Sunglasses were his big gift.
The rest of the summer, we spent surfing.  The kids also learned to play poker and spent many afternoons exchanging poker chips.

Owen started transition kindergarten and for three weeks, I dropped him off for three hours and took Kate and Zachary surfing.  It was dreamy.  Of course, I missed Owen, and he was not especially excited to part ways every day (read: lots of tears), but it was good for him to do this before full-day kinder right after vacation.

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