Sunday, December 06, 2020


Since COVID hit 10-months ago, time feels frozen.  Without seasons, there is very little to indicate time change other than family and friends posting photos of snow, the rain that starts in November, and math tests demonstrating progress.  Our puppy broke things up, and she's been a joyful distraction from the monotony.  
I was not excited to set up Christmas, especially after the disappointment of missing family at Thanksgiving.  I've gone through the motions, and showed my pep and enthusiasm for decorating with the kids and planning it out.  Two things happened this week that have filled my soul with the spirit of Christmas: one a simple act of service and the other watching the Christmas Devotional.  I am on fire with gratitude, thanks, and love, and more excited and filled with joy than I remember feeling in many months.

Owen, on the other hand, did not have to be convicted to get into the spirit of Christmas.  He has been bouncing and ecstatic for every Christmas moment--opening nativity pieces, finding special ornaments, Christmas crafts, and constantly adding to his insatiable Christmas list.

This dog has chewed up my favorite shoes, torn a massive hole in the screen, and taken out the bottom of all of our couches, but to date, she is leaving the tree alone!  How?!  I wish I knew the secret.

I love that the tree lets us set different light options.  As soon as the kids go to bed, I turn it to white lights, but the kids get to enjoy their colors.

Dang it!  During December, we still have chores!

We power washed the entire exterior, washed every window, touch-up painted, converted beds to bunk, and cleaned the carpets.  So satisfying.

The Hyatt reopened on November 1, and we joined Matt and Megan for dinner and a swim with the kids afterwards.  It was the best meal I have had on Kauai.  The Hyatt is closing down again with the renewal of the 14-day mandatory quarantine.  

Rain brings rainbows.

December 1 jammies and bringing back the elves!

Zac, Kate and I wrote out our hopes for the season and penciled them in over this month.

Playdates are still alive and kicking.
Zachary finished his 100-mile chart last week and we've been throwing the football around a few nights a week.  Owen wants to be everything he sees in Zachary and begged Ace to tackle him "like Zac."
Elves make it all more fun.

Owen's had that hat on since November 28.
Roxy is the WORST on walks.

Christmas shopping in the 3 stores we have left.

More playdates.  These girls are so fun together--they played "Tropical Vacation."  In Hawaii.

A boy and his dog.


Happy Holidays--late nights, Amazon packages, food, treats, service, movies, and the breath of fresh air that is worship.

1 comment:

Kevin Nufer said...

Your tree is beautiful, and the elves are funny. Sorry Roxy isn't much of a hiker. I wonder if you guys will burn that out of her.