Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Edwards Surf

No beaching meant no pictures, and suddenly we can beach so suddenly I can document some of the mad skills the kids are picking up!  The waves were mostly small the last two months but summer swell is coming and the kids are ready for the bigger water.

Brady found a spot he can shoot photos of me at Waiohai, my favorite surf spot.

Squatting down low to stay in front of the wave--all those squat workout videos paying off.  Ha!

Shay and Kate in their matching suits.  Their goal is to hold hands or jump on each other's boards mid-wave.

The kids talk about "carving" every night at our 8pm dinner.  Dinner and bedtime come late when you surf until dark.

When Waiohai is too crowded, we surf at Shotguns.  It turns over fast and the ride is not as clean, but it beats waiting with 30 plus other people for a wave.  Brady has started surfing regularly, too, and catches them here every time he goes out.

Zachary and Caleb carving toward each other.

Finally, a Hanalei day on Memorial Day!  We packed the night before and left at 7:30am, a record for us.  The waves were perfect and rolling for the kids and small but fun enough for the adults.  We beat the crowds at Pine Trees.  The kids stayed in the water for hours between sunscreen applications and surfed a hundred waves each.  Brady captured magic shots of Zac.  When we left the beach at 4pm, the kids begged for Hanalei again.  We ordered fish tacos from Coconuts and played bocce ball over a picnic with the Clarks.  We are missing our family and our hearts are heavy knowing we won't see any of them, but it is so nice to have friends who are family.

Owen ran, boogie boarded, and swam his heart out.  He has converted into a water child.

The tongue!

The kids and I have commented that it seems impossible to get tired of island life if you surf.  Every day is different.  Every wave is a new experience.  It is good that we feel that way, because this is what our next few months looks like without variation.  Our governor plans to extend the 14-day travel quarantine for another 4-6 weeks past mid-June.  I am dreaming of hiking the Pacific Northwest, of seeing wildlife in Alaska, and most especially of seeing family, but this will have to do.  Lucky we live Kauai, lucky we love to surf, lucky we have each other, lucky we have employment.

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