Monday, November 11, 2019

Fall Break and October

While Brady ran the St. George Marathon, watched conference, and hung out with his parents, we amped up conference at our house.  The kids made lego displays of the speaker layout.  Someday, we will see more of the woman standing at the pulpit and the man supporting her.

Kate gently reminded me with her legos that I promised to make a "good" (read: sugar-drenched) breakfast.

Owen is in the funky preschool age that involves no willing naps, but he cannot stay awake if we drive anywhere.  He transfers happily to my bed, and his huge personality looks so small and malleable in this big bed.
Kate, dressed with her team for a spirit day photo.  (Add team!)
Her project on Rachel Zimmerman (on PJ day at school).
The first day of fall break, Owen found this shady tree and shared it with a friendly dog for a solid hour.

Kids in the tree--spot the Edwards' kids.
Tunnels.  Zac is so patient with O, especially around his meticulously crafted tunnel systems.  That day, he build Owen his own tunnel in hopes that it would keep him away (it did not).
Kate keeps working with Shay on her ramping skills.

Shave Ice from Koloa Landing.  Kate's begged to go there since learning they have soft serve.  (The closest soft serve to us is 30 minutes away at McDonald's, which works approximately 50% of the time.)
Owen and I find ways to entertain ourselves while the kids do piano lessons every week.  A few cars, a bike, a ball, or bubbles usually does the trick.
In addition to hitting the beach every day of fall break, Kate and Owen had several tea parties.

More sleepy shots on my giant bed.
This blue track is the best toy we've ever purchased and it was played with for a couple hours a day the entire week.

Mid-week, Zachary and Kate became inseparable and it was such a relief to see them play so well together.  They definitely go through phases of cooperation.  That week, they played legos for hours, rode bikes, jumped on the tramp, and did car track races.

The kids went back to school after a full week of play, and Owen cried about getting left behind.  I took him to baby beach and he decided it was time for him to surf "and do blackflips."

Acai bowls are his favorite lunch, too.

Ivy hosted her 3-year-old party in her backyard and Owen talked about it for a week before and after the event.  He and Kate zipped around on the bounce houses and trampoline, broke a piñata, and then spent a solid hour with the big kids on the skateboard ramp.

Wednesday morning preschool meant surf day for me and my girls.
"Zac, I miss you so much at school and soccer!"
Jumping on the tramp with sprinklers on never gets old.

Soccer practices under rainbows....
...and on "fire poles."

Brilliant skies at the field.
Kate's 2019 school picture:
A quick drawing from Zachary:
You Tube videos about sharks (never a good idea if you want the kids to get in the ocean in the next 24 hours).
Daddy matches Owen.
Ward Carnival, 2019.

O and his buddy, Ace.

Holding baby chickens.

Football game night at the Clarks.

Owen practices piano, too.

More beach days and tricks.  I am noticing that Zac's body is so long now.  His feet are the same size as mine.

Celebrating Heidi's birthday!

Halloween crafting and cookies.

Saturday morning bike ride.
Finally got my new board!  Custom Papa Sau, 8'.  She rides beautifully--I can turn so much faster and stay up higher on the wave before dropping all the way in.  I am so happy to have a new board that I can't work up any irritation at how long I clung to my soft top.  (I'm also bruised after every session now.)

Love this shot:
Boys flying high.

Fall this year was like all years--so hot and humid with very little relief from trade winds.  Lucky for us, we had water outside and A/C inside.  That did not stop me from sweating profusely at soccer practices with Kate.  I still miss mainland fall the most of any season.

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