Thursday, January 03, 2019

Owen is 3!

 Owen is 3!  Don't ask him how old he is: he will respond, "Owen."  With child #3, you forget to teach them to say their age and put up their fingers.  We will get there!  I do think Owen has more books read to him and more attention than the other two, despite his role as caboose.  Zac and Kate still fight more about playtime with Owen than any other issue, and Owen has so much time at home with me as an only child while the kids are at school.

 Owen knew his birthday was coming up, but was a little confused about what that meant.  He wanted us to wrap his presents and put them under the Christmas tree.  He did understand cake and was jumping up and down anticipating the sprinkles.

We put streamers everywhere, got him a special balloon, birthday hats, and a birthday badge and he was delighted to hear us wake him up with "Happy Birthday!"  We sang it about 15 times that day, and he sang along every time, wailing out "DEAR OWEN" at the end.  So endearing.

Pancake candles, followed by his big presents to start out the day: a Ziggle bike and a new car track.

We spent most of the day escaping the rain that was pounding the island, which meant heading west.  We met up with the Clarks and Stebbins for a beautiful day at Kekaha.  I stretched Brady's patience by surfing for 1 hour and 45 minutes (I think our usual agreement is 1 hour...).  We all played beach football, watched the kids run wild and create sand castles, and finally jumped in the water for a couple more gorgeous waves.  

 We finished the night with yellow curry and the rest of Owen's birthday presents.  This picture is a clue of what we dealt with a few days later (hint: Kate).

 Hands down, Owen's favorite gift was clear putty.  Zac and Kate both have containers of putty that he begs to play with, and he was thrilled to get his own.

Last "Happy Birthday" chorus of the day:

Owen!  We love this little dude.  I think we are better at parenting now--more relaxed and better at enjoying moments.  It's easy to find moments to enjoy with this snuggly, enthusiastic boy.  We've loved the bike seat that allows us to talk to him on the way to the park, to see cows, or simply cruise around the neighborhood.  He asks questions, makes up stories about tigers, and points out every bird and dead frog.
 The two mornings a week co-op he participates in has done wonders for me.  I love the little break from the daily grind that has made it possible to surf twice a week and meet up with girlfriends.  I'm convinced that adult conversations and time in the water have made me a more patient mommy.  He loves playing with his friends and his teachers are spectacular.

 Owen is so fast.  He can tear down the road on his scooter and his bike.  I can't keep up with him on foot and have to grab my bike, too.
 Owen is a vegetable lover.  He gobbles zucchini noodles, carrots, peppers, asparagus, and broccoli like they are tic tacs or skittles (his favorite candies).
Like all toddlers, Owen is sure that bandaids are the cure-all for any injury.  He applies them liberally.  He fell and bonked his nose, then wore a bandaid like this for 3 hours.
Owen has never slept as long as the other two for naps.  He is good for an hour and sometimes 90 minutes, and yet still goes to bed at the same time as Zachary and Kate.  I'm sure it means he is more tired, but logistically, getting him to bed earlier with all the sports and activities does not happen.  Every Wednesday, he snags a car nap while Z & K do piano lessons with Ms. Lois.
 Owen loves the park, especially if I am chasing him.

Owen loves his binky.  Despite the weeks leading up to his last day with binkies with our constant reminders, he was not prepared to throw them away himself.  I had to do it.  He cried 1 hour in the morning, 1.5 hours before falling asleep for a nap, and then another hour before bed.  Each time before he finally settled, he said, "Bin-ky" with a desperate, sad tone in his voice.  It is so pathetic and hard to watch.  I hate tearing my child from something he loves, but I do believe this is best for him.  I caught a video of him saying again and again, "I not a big boy!  I'm a baby!  I need my binky."

The fabulous news is the binky wars lasted only 3 days and we are now past that trauma.  My fear was thumb-sucking would be the new binky (he sucked his thumb as a baby), but so far, so good.  Whew!

Happy Birthday to my little love!

1 comment:

Scott Nufer said...

Just caught up on your last few posts (after writing a 9 week catch up of my own!). Owen's excited face is to die for! And your Christmastime looked like fun. We sure love you guys!