Monday, January 18, 2016

Photo Fails

 You know those infant pictures with the babies snug-as-a-bug, sleeping soundly and looking like Anne Geddes photos?  Yeah, we do, too.  Sadly, this is baby #3 and we did not collect props or prepare well at all for the big moment.  We also missed our window for the sleeping baby shots, hoping Owen's goopy eye would clear up.  We went for it anyway on two different occasions, and came up pretty short.  We had to share our favorite fails.

Brady first got the "studio" ready.  This is the best shot we have of a sleeping baby.
 But even with no outfit change, little O woke up right away.
 It took no time at all for his face to get red and splotchy.
 We undressed him and got him back to sleep, but ended with a pretty similar result.  Frame it!
 Peaceful, sleeping baby in a super cute pose right here:
 And our personal favorite, the alien baby:
Please laugh with us.

1 comment:

Eric and Jill said...

Haha! I don't even attempt these kinds of shots (well I guess we did a little with Leo being the first child) so you're more ambitious than me! Leo def had the alien look in every newborn one!