Monday, January 13, 2014

Zachary Turns 6!

Zachary is 6!  He's been excited since well before Christmas, and in particular asked if he could please wear a birthday ribbon on his birthday so everyone would know it was his special day.  

He was lucky--his birthday fell on the last day of Christmas break, so we were able to plan his party during the day.  The minute he woke up, he asked, "How many more minutes until my party?"  That question hit me every 15 minutes for the next 8 hours until his party.

By request, we rode bikes at the Ele'ele park, and then got Happy Meals (I know, I know, gross).

He blew up balloons with me--helium and regular, and we decorated the house for hours.  He wanted to help with every step of the process, and was so excited to see the Ninja Brady drew for "Pin the Eyes on the Ninja."

I think every 5-8 year old boy in America is doing a Ninjago themed party this year, so there were plenty of decoration ideas and games to steal online.
I was so proud of these paper lanterns.  My former self would be shocked at the craftiness.

The boys and Shay (our token girl, besides Kate) came in and first deciphered their "Ninja Name" and put it on a ninja lanyard.  Next, they decorated origami Ninja stars that Brady and I put together a few days before.  They went outside and did target practice through hula hoops with the stars.

Next up, Lego Bingo.  5 and 6 year olds are the BEST!  They were so enthusiastic, but also old enough to listen to directions.  Every card I called out came with cheers, oohs and ahs from the boys.

Kate didn't really understand the game, but willingly participated.  She was cute to watch at this party.  She feels like Zachary's friends are her friends.
Pin the Eyes on the Ninja:

The boys cheered and laughed and laughed and laughed.

Brady made the boys squeal with laughter by putting his eyes about 10' away from the ninja.
Next, Chopstick Pick.  Move as many marshmallows to the other bowl with only chopsticks.  This was our loudest game--lots of cheering!

This game was probably the boys' #2 favorite:  Moves Like Sensei.  It played like "Simon Says," and Brady struck a ninja pose.  If he said, "Move LIke Sensei," the kids did the pose, but not if he left out the phrase.  The kids were hilarious.

Yummy, ninja cupcakes:

#1 favorite game was--of course--the obstacle course.  The kids each had a snake sword, and swung at the balloon bad guys (there were nasty faces drawn on).  Next, they threw their ninja star through a hula hoop.

They leaped off the trampoline and jumped over a bed of snakes:

I don't remember how we attached this to the ninja theme, but they jumped over the pool noodle

They did the balloon crawl, and ran around the house for the finish line.

The kids came in for presents, and then we played a game called "Pass the Brick."  The winner ended up with a small Ninjago box of legos.  We ate dinner and sang "Happy Birthday" over cupcakes.
I think it is likely that Brady, Kate and I were as excited about Zachary's party as he was.  His friends were darling, and it was my favorite birthday party yet.

After the party, Zachary had round 2 with presents.

It was also round 2 with expressions.  Love this kid and his enthusiasm!

Erin sent him light sabers.
Grandma and Grandpa Nufer sent him some cars and "Uno!"

Kate was good about Zac's spotlight, but didn't always understand.  She knew her birthday came after Zachary's, and was absolutely expecting her own party that night.  Tears and tantrum followed, but it was easily handled.  Zac even gave her a light saber and talked about her party details.  Zachary watches out for that little gal!

Zachary is energetic.  He runs fast, and he can keep it up for long periods of time.  He loves to do handstands, perch high on the monkey bars, and climb trees and fire poles.  He has learned to swing himself.  He can zoom on his scooter, and he loves to do daredevil turns on his plasma bike.  He wrestles with Brady (and Kate).  He can play at the park and the beach for hours and hours.  The best part of his very physical nature is that he understands and respects limits.  He is careful not to hurt people, and he's much more aware of his body and its proximity to others.

Zachary is affectionate.  He loves to give us hugs and kisses.  He tells us that he loves us regularly.  He knows that others love him, too.  He is kind to his friends.  He is kind to his teachers.

Zac is persistant.  He has learned to read, and he plugs away at it without discouragement.  He writes carefully and sounds out words with as much precision as he can.  He's good to do "his very best work."  He does math problems and spells words with Brady on the way to school.

He has matured so much in these last couple years.  He's still a young boy, and I'm so glad.

Every year, the day before his birthday, I reflect on the circumstances that brought him to our family.  I'm so grateful that he is our son.  We love this boy with our whole hearts!


Kristen said...

Wow! That party was AMAZING! So much work and looks like so much fun! Love that kid and his enthusiasm.

cory said...

Your pictures are fantastic guys. I'm so happy that you captured pictures of Z's expressions opening his presents. I don't think it's humanly possible to be more animated. Awesome.

Eric and Jill said...

Best birthday post ever! Zac's party looks like it was a BLAST, and how you even captured all the moments is beyond me! We have about 2 pics from Leo's "Angry Birds" 4th bday party. I remember it being a lot of fun, but man, always so much preparation. I'm about to hire a photographer for party captures! Or ask someone in the family. haha

Brady and Karen said...

Doing the pics is definitely a trick during the party. We basically traded off frantically, but still missed a ton. That's okay--I'm so happy we have a few from the actual party this year!

Natalie and Steve said...

Can you come plan Joshua's party? Yours always look so much more fun than ours! :)

Happy birthday Zac! We love that kiddo!