Friday, August 23, 2013

The Boys Do Kalalau

"Perhaps Kauai's greatest treasure is found at a..."  This is Brady's starter line for a gorgeous post of Kalalau.  He and the guys did the 22 mile round trip in June.  He claims to be disappointed with the pictures from the trip, but I think that is ridiculous.  Seriously, just look at them.

Brady hates it when I text from his phone, so I'm sure he'll revise "his" commentary below as well.

Chadd and Dave:
"The Tree": we have dozens of pictures of this tree.

Todd got a little jumpy looking over this ledge:

Hanakoa Falls, at mile 6.5.  I promise to take my wife here soon.  These falls look more spectacular by air than by land.

Coming into Kalalau Valley:

We thought Spencer (bottom right) was a hippie at first.  Pony tail knotted high on his head and covered by bandana.

We are smarter now and don't pack in tents.  A hammock and tarp do the trick.  I also put my brand new Jetboil to use.
Adventure Day 2:
"The Shower"...and drinking hole.

We hiked back in the valley to the waterfall.

Boys do tricks.

Nature's (dangerous) water slide:

Karl is crazy enough to go head-first, but kept it together enough to deliver his baby on the side of the road a few weeks later.

Possibly our last adventure with Lance before he moves to Oahu in a couple weeks.

Curtis and I explored the valley a little more that afternoon.

Karen's favorite picture from my trip:

Hippie paraphernalia:

Karen's other favorite pic:

Sunset shots of the boys:

We swam around the bend and checked out my favorite beach.  No pictures...

Todd and I hiked/ran out of here in 3.25 hours.  

While the boys are away, the girls will play.  Karen and friends got together and stayed at Waiohai for hours and hours.

1 comment:

Natalie and Steve said...

So was that a 2-day trip? Looks like fun and I think the guy that went head-first is nuts. Just sayin'.