Sunday, December 12, 2010

Turkeys Don't Really Fly, But November Sure Did

...and so did Zachary, when we threw out the rule book for a day and let him jump all over the furniture. Definitely not the best parenting, but man, he sure had fun. We switched him to his "big boy bed" and new room. He did super with the adjustment, although still refuses to sleep under anything but his baby blanket. Don't worry, that gigantic TV is gone, too.
For Thanksgiving, 6 little families joined us and pitched in with yummy food and afternoon company. We played some t-ball with the kids, ate from our 7, maybe 8, pies, and enjoyed the sunshine that evaded us last year. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a hard day for sharing with Mr. Z, so mostly I was stressed out.

The next day we shot up to the mountains for camping. I'm all for cold camping every once and a while. I do not, however, really love it when it rains...and rains...and rains... It was muddy and cold, but at least we were able to enjoy mugs of hot cocoa. Our car was the only wimpy one that couldn't survive the gnarly, muddy roads. Next time, we buy 4WD so we can have a cool mud shot like everyone else. (Actually, next time we're going to camp at the beach where it is warm.)

Oh, hello belly. This is at 25 weeks. I'm 27 weeks now (yay for 3rd trimester!), and just got asked by a gas station attendant if I was having a Christmas baby. Ouch.
Making up for our cold camping was a warm couple of days paddle boarding. Kalipaki is not our favorite beach, but it is perfect for paddle boarding, which is just about the only water sport I can do these days. I'm guessing I'll have to throw that one out soon, too, considering that when I start to lose my balance and jump into the water, it's getting a little tricky to get back on the board. I'm a little jealous that Brady has learned how to ride waves on the paddle board, which I will not venture to try until after baby girl arrives. Don't worry, I am very cautious, I stay away from other boarders, and I only go where I know I can hack it without falling unexpectedly.
Kalipaki's other perks include it being a great beach for the kiddos, and only 25 minutes from our house.

Olivia is such a little ham for the camera.

We went to the Lights on Rice Street parade this year. This Christmas has been the most exciting so far with a child, because it seems like Zac "gets it" about everything--Santa, snowmen, lights, the tree, etc. He is so excited, and he knows that presents come soon. I haven't really introduced the concept of Santa knowing if you are bad/good--maybe next year. I remember really believing that Santa was keeping track. That's got to be more effective than time-outs, right?

Zac loved decorating the tree. Notice how he put all the jingle bell balls in the same section. When he woke up the next morning and noticed we repositioned them, he was not very happy.

Oh, and I made something pretty with my hands! Minus the ribbons, candles, and berries, this is all fresh and real.

We're enjoying our decor while we can. Our landlord comes the 23rd for 11 days, so we'll be out of here and staying at a friend's house while they are on the mainland.


Ryan and Christina said...

Ahh, just saw this post. How funny-I was just asked the same thing about the Christmas baby! You look so cute and you definitely have a cute baby belly now;)

Emily Gibbons said...

You guys are amazing! Thanks for the pictures. I love them! I'm most impressed that you're still wearing heels in the third trimester. I can't balance in them without a belly, much less with. So cute!

Em said...'re pregnant! I can't tell you how absolutely thrilled we are for you guys! And how completely dumb we feel for not knowing before now. =) Congratulations!!!

Eric and Jill said...

Beautiful centerpiece, Karen!!! and does Zac still sleep beside the treadmill? ;) I'm just excited that this Christmas, Leo will not be a screaming newborn, crying his head off at night with a case of thrush (knock on wood, hope I didn't just jinx myself!)...haha, well he can't get thrush again at least. And btw, is that TMI? Ah well, I don't care!

Eric and Jill said...
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Eric and Jill said...

and p.s. what temp is considered cold over there?

Brady and Karen said...

Emily, I love heels. My feet haven't started to swell yet, so it's not uncomfortable. I mostly just like heels because there's not many opportunities to wear them in the mommy world!

Emilie, we didn't know about Zachary until really late, either. Congrats on his arrival! You are way too limiting on details--in pregnancy and otherwise! ;)

Jillian, is there really every TMI in the mom world? I have talked to so many people about potty training, behavior, illnesses, etc. I think I've lost my filter!!! Also, that first paddle boarding is me--on the right, and my friend Shelley on the left. Also, thanks for the compliment on the centerpiece. As you are very aware, I have limited skills artistically. I only completed this with help and step-by-step instructions!

Cold is in the 60s, which usually only happens at night or in the mountains. Lately it's been raining non-stop, but still really warm. My hard wood floor is like a slip and slide from the humidity. Ew!