Sunday, May 16, 2010


We're back from our blogging hiatus. Brady's worked the last 3 Saturdays--two of them on a Habitat for Humanitarian project and one at the office--which means our Saturdays haven't been quite note-worthy.

We have discovered that even just one month brings changes in a two-year-old:

-Zachary now (mostly) understands hide-and-seek.

-Zachary is a parrot. Brady was telling me a work story at dinner the other night. I responded "That sucks!" at one point, and Zac exclaimed "Tha sus!" over and over again that night.

-"DON'T!" is now Zac's favorite word. At least his second favorite is "OKAY!"

-Zachary digs sunglasses--inside and outside. We've been trying to explain that only movie stars wear sunglasses inside, but clearly he feels he's the exception.

-Zachary now likes to color. Before this past month, we'd give him paper and he'd wad it up and throw it ("Ball! Ball! Ball!"). Now, he colors all over it, and THEN turns it in into a ball.

Before our blogging break, we did enjoy one perfect Saturday: running in the am, surfing in the afternoon, and a tennis/dinner date in the pm.
Zachary isn't allowed to throw sand--except into the ocean.
Just before our tennis date, we caught one more shot of our daisy field. I had to post this because I had itchy skin the rest of the night as a result. The daisies are almost gone now, but they were spectacular while they lasted. (I know you are dying to find out who won the match...and I'll take the high road and not gloat.)
A few things haven't changed:
Zac still loves his "B" (and it still smells awful no matter how many times we wash it).
Zachary and Brady went to the Father/Son's campout last weekend. That same night, I got a prank call with some creep telling me he could "see me from the window." Nice. After the campout, Nic and Heidi graciously invited me up for some beach time while Brady cooked it to work. We checked out a new beach I've been dying to see. Apparently it has great waves during the winter, but like all north shore beaches at this time of year, the waves are tiny. It was still super to get into the clear, warm water and body surf the waves (although I'm a terrible body surfer due to my insistance on holding my nose, and most of them just rolled right over me).
Shay--what a little ham.
When I took Zac's suit off before the drive home, he had a distinct diaper mark, and the rest of him was absolutely coated with sand.
I learned that the Kalaheo Ward goes all-out for Mother's Day. Brady told me there was no plan for flowers this year, so as part of the Primary singing presentation, I made the little paper flowers from Ryan and Karen's wedding for the kiddos to hold during the songs and then give to their moms. Beat this: the moms got a lei at the entrance to the meeting, flowers from the kiddos, roses from the young men, and then pie from the "old men." Whoa. I'm not complaining. Lilikoi pie is now my favorite.
Brady got me flowers, too, as well as a few coupons for nights out. I told him last month that all I wanted for my birthday was another tennis/dinner date. (I was lying because I definitely want more than that, but I couldn't think of any one thing that I would like better than an active outing.)
Last Monday night for FHE, Megan and Matt invited us to Salt Pond for a BBQ to celebrate his MBA graduation. Linnaea continues to be Zac's favorite little pal.
Linnaea squeeling, and Zac telling her "SHHH!"
Yesterday, we escaped the clouds in the south/east part of the island and headed up the north shore for snorkeling at Hideaways. Look how crazy-clear this water is: don't you just want to come visit us this summer???
Oh yeah, something else new: I now have braces. Look close. From here on out, I will most likely photo shop them out.
Daddy and Zac:
Snorkeling pics are hilarious.
You can see this skin from space. Good job on the sunscreen, baby.
To get Zac to look at the camera, I usually have to tell him there is an airplane.
This beach has a little drop before the water, and Zac jumped off the "ledge" over and over again.
After the sunny beach, we hiked up Okolehau Trail (the one with the infamous tree). No strawberry guavas this time around, and it was much easier than we remembered.
Looking down on Hanalei's taro fields.
Zachary's only nap in 2 days.
Ah, refreshing weekends!


Julie said...

Great pictures! Looks like a lot of fun... Zach is such a cutie and I can't believe how big he's gotten! Also, I LOVE the photo of the month!! Haha ( :

Ryan and Christina said...

Karen, you crack me up! I was LOL'ed the whole time ;)

Emily Gibbons said...

Awesome outings! Looks like you guys are having a great time! Love ya!

Eric and Jill said...

my favorite part is you telling zac there's an airplane to get him to look up; that's something i'd do too!

Heather said...

Oh so lovely pictures! Andrew is a glasses wearer too. Or sunglasses wearer both inside and out.

Natalie and Steve said...

Braces? How long is that going to be the norm?

I also like your tennis outfit. Its cute!

Brady and Karen said...

Natalie: 8-12 months, and I just hit 3 weeks. I'm hoping they are off before January 1st, but we'll see!

The Marecles said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Good to see that you guys are still doing great.

Barbie Mills said...

I'm sure your braces make your eyes sparkle. =) I hope your teeth move fast!

Glad to see you blogging again! Your pictures are amazing. Makes me jealous, in a good way. What an experience.