Sunday, May 23, 2010


For months, I have dealt with daily tantrums over shoes. Zac refuses to wear them longer than about 1 minute. It's become a really big issue, because it means I have to carry him
everywhere, or have him in a stroller/cart. Well, I've always hated Crocs--the ugly shoes that have holes all over them. I'm serious—I think they are just about the worst fashion statement you could make. However, in a moment of desperation, I purchased them for Zac, hoping against hope that he would wear them if I made a big enough deal out of them. For the first 2 days, we showed them off to everyone. Zac would run and then present a foot and say "CROCS!" to whoever he was showing off to. We wouldn't let anyone call them shoes, afraid it would turn him off of them. IT WORKED! I can happily say that a week later.

Just how much does he love these things?  This pic was taken at 11pm.


Ryan and Christina said...

Graham has the same ones!! I bought them because my sister always had them for her kids. I'm the same as you, thought they were a bit tacky. But, it was so easy with her kids. They could play outside in the dirt and then she'd hose them off or throw them in the bath tub after they were done for the night. So easy! I think you'll love them. I can't wait to use them at the beach.
That picture says it all-so adorable.

Brady and Karen said...

Thanks, Christina! Zac had a hand-me-down pair once upon a time, and they worked well, but hasn't had them since. I don't mind the tackiness anymore--it's MUCH less tacky than a 2 year old who wants to run around barefoot in public! EW!

~~Heidi~~ said...

I love those shoes! They are the best invention for kids I think! So easy to put on, and you can wear them anywhere! Way to go! Also great pics in the post before, and yes I did have to change the angle a little on my pic, i didn't want my big bumb hanging out of my suit! hehe!

Travis and Jamie said...

We love Crocs here too. It's all Xander wants to wear!

Heather said...

Must buy crocs. I have the SAME issue with Andrew. He still tries to wear his old ones from last year. I just forget every time I go to Target.

Kristen Nufer said...

That is a really cute picture! I'm glad you found something that works. Let me know if you ever figure out the socks--remember Christmas?

Natalie and Steve said...