Monday, March 09, 2009

"The Sun will Come Out, Tomorrow..."

...if tomorrow is Sunday, and you are holding to your original commitment not to engage in water sports on the Sabbath. 

Here we are, being good Mormons and taking a walk:

Zac fakes a laugh every time we laugh.  You can tell from his expression, but even better is the noise that accompianies the expression.

Other potentially-noteworthy events:

  • My last glass mixing bowl broke this week.  Zachary broke them over the course of the last four months.  It was only a matter of time, and I'm content to mix away with my new Martha Stewart plastic bowls.   Goodbye, my eight-year-old friend.
  • Brady can now pick up Zachary with his bum arm (which also makes him eligible for dishes and diaper duty).
  • The best part of the week was going to see a movie with some friends in our ward.  It was wacky.  Anyone heard of "Ink Heart"?  The worst part of the movie was Brendon Frasier.  What a weirdo.  It was amazingly refreshing to get out and go on a date, though.  Thanks, Nic and Heidi, for watching Zachary.


Heather said...

baby laughs are so great. sometimes andrew does it and it sounds so odd. like someone almost making fun of the way you laugh. or politely laughing at a NOT funny joke.

Julie said...

I love Zach's expression. Priceless! I'm sure the sound is even better.

So we just got back from a cruise in the Caribbean. Is that the kind of weather you guys get all winter?! Pathetic. Do you even remember what snow feels like? Probably not. I'll have to white-wash you sometime to refresh your memory.

cory said...

I'm so proud of you and your commitment. I thought it was just missionaries that couldn't swim on Sunday....

Natalie and Steve said...

I love Zac's social laugh.

I'm just glad to know that you LOVED those new mixing bowls that you got for Christmas!

Suburban Monkey said...

Oh the good old glass mixing bowls...I too just converted to a set of lime green plastic mixing bowls with good grips on the them and never lookin back!!!!