Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Aloha, Ken and Char!

We've been looking forward to their visit for a couple of months, and Ken and Char started off our string of visitors for the next few months! I knew Ken really well in high school, and we convinced them to stay with us on their trip to Kauai. It meant a lot of fun conversations, some yummy dining out, and a few adventures together.

Ken and Char were great to get out and really explore the island. Ken was a guidebook junkie, so he knew exactly what he wanted to do, and they really took advantage of the weather and planned well.

The pic above is Ken and Brady at the end of a ride. Wed afternoon, we took them to our favorite Brenneck's beach for excellent boogie boarding. Our new fins were a terrific investment, and we had a great time catching big waves. Brady says that I respond to peer pressure, as I often let bigger waves go right on by, but I was going for them with Ken and Char watching. Haha! That sounds about right.

Zachary fell in love with Char. She was so patient and attentive with him! He has been looking for her around the house ever since.

We caught a nice sunset before heading out for pizza.

Check out my bloody knee (and blood-shot eyes...):

The last night they were here, they took us to a fantastic sushi place we hadn't been to before. It was tasty! I am beyond embarrasing with chopsticks, and ate with my fingers more than anything else. Ken, Char, and Brady seemed to have it down for the most part. Oh, my mouth is seriously watering thinking of those rolls! Can't wait for Cory and Kristen to come with us when they are here in a few weeks!

Ken and Char apparently brought beautiful weather with them, although not likely from home in Eugene. Saturday morning, we left for the beach early, and enjoyed Hanalei's clear water and sunshine. Here is a picture of me and Ken:

Ken, looking like this is the most natural thing in the world:

Char tearing it up:

Zac doing his best to maintain balance on the board:

It is completely against everything we stand for to use other people's pics (although all but Hanalei are from Ken), but since we've been to these locations many times, and they are dang good pictures, here are some views from Ken's camera:

North Shore Taro Fields

Waimea Canyon:

View from our back porch:

Thanks for making the trip, Ken and Char. We sure enjoyed the company!


Julie said...

Zach is totally a natural on that board... and the sandcastle. He looks like the master sandcastler. I hear boarders and sandcastlers get all the chics! Luky boy! ( :

Scott and Natalie said...

I wish we were in your guest line-up! I feel much more adventurous this year than last...

I love these pictures of Zach on board. What a beach bum at a year old!

Natalie and Steve said...

Wow, that picture of Waimea is GORGEOUS!

Ken said...

We had a total blast! I just now got to reading your posts that I was behind on...

I hadn't even noticed your bloody knee until you pointed it out!

Char misses Zach, as well. We both miss hanging out with you guys and the beauty of the island. Can't wait to do it again!

Unknown said...

Wow, Ken Charpie!? It's been a while.