Sunday, December 07, 2008

Surf 'N Sand

I think I whined enough in my last blog about missing a day of planned surfing. When Saturday came around and it was beautiful, we jumped on the opportunity to head to Hanalei (the beach we'll be taking Steve and Natalie on Christmas Day--rain or shine). We heard there was a swell, and waves are generally good sized on the North Shore. Needless to even mention, we weren't cutting the inside of these babies, but it was fun taking our longboard for some good runs.

We went with two other families--the Clarks and Hadleys--and Zac had fun rolling around in the sand with them. It was also fun to talk to them while we took turns in the water.

Zac loves other kids. Mostly, though, he likes their toys.

I told Kristen that it's not easy to get good surf shots. You look up from playing with Zac and notice the other person up, whip out the camera, and you catch the tail end of most runs. It's still fun to get some pics of each other up.

One thing we learned is the new board was a great investment. We both loved it. The best part is how easy it is to manuever your body on it. You can take steps without sliding off, really pull your weight to one side or the other, and mostly just feel more confidence in your ability to hang on.

Zachary crawls madly over to any pets on the beach. These two dogs let him play for a little while. Zac kept squeeling with delight.

18 days until Christmas! Here's to hoping for more sunny days in December.


Eric and Jill said...

Awesome pics! I love the ones of you guys surfing! Rock ON! Also, it looks like you're going to have to get another puppy someday. ;)

Scott and Natalie said...

I can't believe this is your December! What gorgeous pictures and fun times. I am impressed with Zach's bravery with animals!

Erica said...

I love looking at your pictures! It looks like you guys are having great weather for December! :) We miss you guys! Zach is getting so big! What a cutie!

Julie said...

There is pure jealousy radiating out of every pore in my body... you live in paradise!! It's not fair!! Why do I live in Nebraska when there are places like this in the world?!

Julie said...

By the way... did I tell you my blog is private now? You should most definitely send your email address to me so I can add you!

Heather said...

oh my goodness it's so beautiful there. i love that zach isn't afraid of the sand or ocean. well i guess he wouldn't be, being raised in hawaii.
we miss you guys!!

Kristen said...

Those are sweet pics.

Natalie and Steve said...

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! We are SOOOO excited! And now we've seen the beach that we get to go to twice!