Monday, October 13, 2008

It gets cold in Kauai, too

From the Kauai Guidebook:

"When it does rain during the day, it is usually quite short-lived, often lasting a matter of minutes... If you're inland, you will often be able to hear the rain approaching. When you hear the sound of a rushing river but there isn't one around, take cover until it passes."

In our case: 16 min, with no options for cover. Every cup holder in the stroller was overflowing with water.

Poor little man has never shivered so much.
A warm bath brightened him right up.
I believe this might be pay-back from my mocking comment to Utah's snow last post.


Elder Bryson Ritchie said...

I'll trade you any day for the rain vs. the cold snow in Utah. Tonight we sat out in freezing temps. watching Bryson's soccer game. I had to pull out the winter coats, hats, and gloves. We were chilled to the bone! But nothing a little hot chocolate couldn't cure (I know your jealous over that part).

~~Heidi~~ said...

you guys look cold, but at least it all ended with happy faces!

cory said...

I ran into a hail storm with our double stroller. Blake and Rachel were ticked. The bath also cured their pains.

Unknown said...

Hahaha! You'll definitely want to save that last picture. It'll be a great one for the future girlfriend =)

Suburban Monkey said...

A warm bath always warms my core back up! I dont think i have ever been anywhere where it has started down pouring and i have not been able to take shelter...sounds kinda fun!?