Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Vacation Chronicles

With the next 60+ pictures and subsequent text, I endeavor to test even the most avid and loyal blog reader. Since this is currently our most updated form of journaling, I do not feel the guilt I probably should posting a long-winded trip account.

We have waited seven months for this trip, with our main agenda to finalize Zachary's adoption. Two major things went wrong--the plane was 5 hours late, putting us all over the western states and taking 9 hours longer than planned, and the court lost our paperwork and almost canceled the proceedings. However, we were sworn in and able to prove the legality of this adoption with the help of our attorney and our social services worker.

Judge Claudia Laycock made all kinds of jokes, but we were too nervous to really appreciate them. Zachary was much more relaxed, spitting and playing with a plastic cup the entire time.
Much of our family was there to support us. It had been a year and a half since seeing my younger siblings, and it was our first time meeting Steve.
We went to breakfast with many of them, and then went on a race-pace shopping spree, where we learned the injustice of shopping for a baby boy and not a baby girl. We are now officially stocked up with every kind striped polo you can imagine for a 12-18 month old, as well as some cute things for the 6-12 month category (although that was quite picked over). Side note: Zac is wearing one of his new shirts today. Did anyone know Cheerios could stain??? Seriously???
Speaking of baby girls...we stopped over at Emily's for a few hours to see her new baby, Mikayla. It was shocking how small she seemed to me, even though Zachary was actually smaller at birth. As always, I came away from this trip asking myself how I managed to not capture more pictures of her children!

Friday night, we met up with Erin for a huge dinner at Cheesecake Factory. (Honestly, the portion sizes made me mad they were so big.) We loved seeing Zac interact with her, and visiting again in person. Aren't the matching greens precious?
Saturday morning, I remembered something I love about Utah more than Hawaii: the running. I went on a 13 miler to prepare for the next week's half marathon. I was blown away with how little I sweat, how brisk it was in the early am, and how stunning the sunrise was over the mountains. Kauai does not hold a candle in that category.

We went to see our nephew Bryson in a soccer game, where the temperatures were not at all brisk, and I was not impressed with how little I sweat. It was fun to see Ang as the soccer mom and Paul coaching. Fast forward six years, and we'll be there, too!
Sunday morning, we took off for the Richards' Family Reunion, where 12 of my mother's siblings gather into one house for an insane three days. There were 100 people there this year. Thankfully, many of the cousins are adults now, so the chaos is much less extreme compared to years past (I am the third oldest cousin). One thing I've been meaning to research: fire codes.

My family was in charge of the BBQ and baseball game. My mom and I tackled the raw chicken to prep for the grill. Eww.
Mom and Dad N. bought Zac this baseball outfit, and he flirted all night in it.
My cousins Brian and Emilie swapped cameras with us for the night (they have Canons) and experimented with their photography prowess.
Tuesday, I was in charge of collaborating and running the Richards' Family Olympics. I was a little worried at first that things would not come together, but thanks to tons of help and my 16 year old cousin Paul's obstacle course, it seemed to be a hit. Here we are engaging in a completely stolen idea from Scott and Natalie--a relay where you have to hit cantaloupes with a bat (it was pumpkins with S and N). I wish I had video of the obstacle course. I don't think I've ever seen such a friendly and fierce family competition.
Wednesday night was Natalie's bridal shower. I forewarned Natalie, but somehow still managed to offend others in attendance with my gift. Isn't that what sisters are supposed to give at these things???
Thursday we attended Natalie and Steve's wedding. They were also married in the Mount Timpanogos Temple, and it was a spectacular day. The ceremony was perfect, and I have never seen Natalie beam so much!

Waiting for N & S to come out...Brian and Emilie recreate their own magic.
Natalie and her bridesmaids:
A birth order picture. These are a big thing with my siblings. I think they all like to see how much taller they are than their oldest sister. Notice that all siblings at the point of puberty and beyond are taller, even with my heels.
Kevin, Scott, Emily, and I were all able to be at Natalie's sealing. We adore Grandma Richards, who matched perfectly in her royal blue dress.
My youngest sister, Anna:
Cousins Julie and Rob:

Natalie and Steve had family over for a luncheon at Mimi's Cafe. We all stood up and talked about memories we had with one or both of them. I like that idea, and think that everyone should mention a positive memory of me in the comments. Just teasing, and I really did love hearing all the stories of Steve and Natalie.

This luncheon was the most we were able to converse with G&G Nufer the entire trip!

Love the hair.
Last minute touch-ups before the evening photo shoot. This reminded me so much of Jillian's emergency zit treatment procedures the night before our wedding (except that Natalie did not have zits).

G&G Nufer hosted the reception in their beautiful backyard.
Kevin, Scott, and Camille (a bridesmaid who also made the wedding cake) provided all the music at the reception.
A classy M&D shot. This is better than any picture Pearson's Photography took for me 7 years ago. However, I still recommended them to Natalie, and I have high hopes for her wedding pics.
My one other picture with Emily's children. This is Lia, with a haircut she started herself!
Zac yanking on Janece's hair. He does not have enough coordination to pick up small objects, but hair he can do.Who is the only person not looking in this picture?
Nufer gals:Nufer boys:
Beautiful (Styrofoam) wedding cake:
A ridiculously gorgeous, candid shot:
Prior to take-off:
Friday, we hung out at the Ritchie's. Why spend money at amusement parks when the kiddos like the John Deere just as much?
Mid-afternoon, we went to the May Family Reunion--my father's extended family. It was held at the Heber City Girl's Camp that Brady actually helped to build.

We did a lame skit, which paled in comparison to many of the others.

Me, showing off my two weeks of Hula lessons in the skit. Yikes.

At 4am, I was up and ready to race with Kristen and Kevin (and Emilie!) at the Provo Half Marathon. It was my second round with this race, but I knew I was not in the same shape I was last time around. I fought to stay behind Kevin the first four miles of the race. Funny thing: Brady did not realize Kev and I were right next to each other at this point in the race! It is chance that we got the picture together.

Kristen, kicking my butt.
About mid-way through. Still feeling good, baby. I ended with a 1:35.33, and was thrilled to pull off 7:18s in this race. It makes it my #2 half marathon out of five. Kristen beat me by a mere nine minutes. ;) (Our times were posted at the finish, and I was surprised to see my official time listed as what I had on my watch, because I started my watch when I started running as opposed to when the horn went off. I just looked online, where my time was listed at 7:22s. I'm confessing right now, but I'm going with the 7:18s, since that's when I really started running anyway. Like my rationalization?) Sadly, this is the longest recovery time I've ever had from this distance, and I'm still dying on my short runs.
Saturday afternoon was the pinacle of our trip. We were able to take Zachary to the temple to be sealed together as a family. We dropped off Zachary at the child care section of the temple while we prepared and did all the paperwork. They brought him to us some time later in his white outfit, and he was grinning all the way down the hall. I have never felt such contentment and elation.
Here we are, glowing with the Spirit. Unfortunately, most of our pictures are overexposed, so we are really excited to see Brian's shots.
An Edwards' fam shot. I don't think this will hang on anyone's wall, but it was fun to get a picture of all of us together again after three years.
Our little, precious stud. He was such a charmer throughout the ceremony.
Sunday church services were packed! Brady blessed Zachary, Scott blessed their five week old daughter Brynlee, and M&D Edwards spoke for the missionary homecoming. It was so touching to see so many of their returned missionaries in attendance. In fact, at the luncheon afterwards, the Ritchies hosted 250 people!

We were also happy to have Erin with us again at Zac's blessing and luncheon.

VEM reunites! Julie Varney, the three of us (Edwards), and Roni and Coleman Miller (see the VEM?) were together for Zachary's sealing and blessing. It was such a pleasure to see them again, and plan our Hawaii reunion. We missed you, Aaron.
One thing about this trip that we adored was watching Zachary interact with other kids.
Monday, we spent time with the Edwards' side. We went to the Uintas, and proved the theory once again that where there is water, there will be rock-throwing.
Scott and Natalie's daughter, Maddie:Ellie trying to mimik the big boys and treck through the water:
Individual family shots. Scott and Natalie:
Mom, with Zac:Us: Cory and Kristen: MIA on these pics.

A picture demonstrating several things: Costco is pretty much the same everywhere, the Edwards' boys share the same sense of fashion, and Scott/Brady look very similar.
We were happy to remember that Utah has beautiful flowers, too. (They also have horseflies, which I discovered after a nice bite that still has my hand swollen two days later!)
We followed up with a trip to Kamas Pools. We loved the zippy waterslide, warm temperatures inside, and the diving boards. Kristen, Ryan and I even dove off the high dive! One of us belly-flopped. (I'll give you a hint: it was not a girl.) Zachary was happier in the water than at any other point during the trip!

That night, we settled in for pizza and Olympics coverage, and also listened to M&D's mission stories.

We had a rough go of it getting home, and were lucky to get on the plane! While we had comments like, "I didn't even know there was a baby behind me," and "What a good, happy baby," on the way out to Utah, we heard comments like, "Does your baby need a binkey or a bottle?," and "What a hard thing for a baby" on the way home. What a difference less sleep and a sick child make!
We're home, glad to be here, but wishing for more time with so many friends and family.


Suburban Monkey said...

Holy cow! So did you guys have time to breathe? If there ever was a trip that could have so many wonderful events packed into it then your trip is the one.
Now for the comments:

1. Glad that the adoption process went smooth for you guys and that you were able to be surrounded by so much family.

2. Ok the raw chicken thing made my stomach turn…actually it’s still turning.

3. I am seriously in love with the idea of a Family Olympics, although it wouldn’t be much of a family Olympics with 7 of us. We have a family talent show every Christmas and it’s a blast!!

4. Your sister was a beautiful bride

5. Your hula looked great!

6. My stomach started turning again thinking about running 13 are a stud!

7. Do I need to even say how ecstatic we are about the sealing?…We are ecstatic!!!!!!!!

~~Heidi~~ said...

Wow what a fun filled vacation for you guys. So much happened in those two weeks you were gone! I am so sorry Zac came home with a cold. NOT FUN AT ALL!
But I am so glad you were able to go home to see family, and to have your family together forever! Sure missed you guys while you were gone!

Heather said...

man, our blog sucks. i think everysingle persons blog i read is amazing. all these pictures, and stories. we SO need to get a new computer. i think i might rather have a new computer then new furniture.
so i'm sorry i haven't been in touch lately. we have been busy moving, and trying to get the new place ready for the housewarming, and furniture shopping. i've been extremely stressed, and andrew has been driving me crazy. today i just broke down. i don't know whats been going on, but i just couldn't handle it anymore.
anyway hope everything in paradise is wonderful. i've already been trying to get matthew to go back for our 5th anniversary. which is like still a little over 2 years away. boo

Nelson said...
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Nelson said...

So happy/thankful/overjoyed that I was able to see you guys for a few brief moments. Wish it could have been longer, but maybe next time.

Eric and Jill said...

What a wonderful job you've done journaling your trip!!! And my how both of your families have changed and multiplied since I saw them at your wedding! Everyone looks so healthy and happy. I'm really excited for you guys and your future with Zac. I got teary eyed looking at the pic of both of you and Zac after his sealing. And then with Erin. So precious. Congrats! And love from Cincy!

Brett and Shireen Olsen said...

Ok, I read the whole thing! Much congratulations, we are so happy for you guys!

Chrystapooh said...

Karen - Enjoyed seeing your blog. I have not visited in a while. Congrats on the adoption and sealing! So very happy for you, Brady and Zac. Wish I could of been there for these family gatherings. Fun to see the photos. You all are staying young. My siblings are all graying! - Karl

Kristen said...

I read it all. It made me laugh. I miss Zach.

Keri Hennefer said...

Brady and Karen, we are so happy for you guys! What an amazing experience, I'm glad that everything went so smoothly. So much fun spending so much time with friends and family! Some day we hope to meet your cute little Zach. I'm so happy for you guys with his sealing, what a neat time for you! Congrats again!

Unknown said...

Wow, Karen, you're blog is really fun to read and look at (especially when I'm in it). Why don't I read it more often?

Scott and Natalie said...

Yup, that Nikon is awesome! I read it all too and enjoyed it very much! We miss you guys already!

Melanie said...

Congratulations to your beautiful little family. I bet its such an amazing feeling to know that he's finally really yours completely and totally through out eternity. I got a little choked up about it. :D What a packed trip! How wonderful for you though. Thank you for sharing it!!!

Jenni said...

Okay Competitive Karen.... I thought I was the record holder for the longest blog EVER when I did my first 2 but I will have to go back and count pictures and judge who the winner is.
Most seriously,
Competitive Jenni
P.S. Congrats on EVERYTHING!!