Saturday, May 31, 2008

This Week in Pictures (and a few words)

Brady caught a terrible cold, I worked through a running injury, and Zac had a few fussy times, but otherwise this week was fantastic. It helped that we had a three-day weekend last week to contribute to all these activities and pictures.

Last Saturday, we decided to go snokeling at Ke'e Beach. After our shark experience the night before, we were a little wary of going much beyond the reef! Brady was braver than me (I barely approached the reef), but it was fun to snorkel again.

Zac hung out with us under the umbrella while we took turns in the water. His belly is not his favorite position.

He loved his turns in the water, too. (Let me tell you, that 50 SPF sunscreen really works, because this kid is still as pale as can be...)

Heidi and Nic met us at the beach, too. Ty was busy building sandcastles almost the entire afternoon. He wants to do construction like the big boys.

I picked this picture because you can't see as much drool as normal. Everyone thinks Zac is teething because of the amount of saliva that hits their legs when they hold him.

I took this from our car window, and Brady said it would make "Picture of the Month" if not for the powerlines.

Memorial Day, we woke up early and did our runs, then went to the pool together. Zac splashes his hands constantly, with this focused look on his face anytime we go there. He really doesn't smile a lot while in the pool, but we think he likes it. ???

This is Zachary's typical pose--hands in mouth, or towel in mouth, or toy in mouth, or book in mouth, or...

Monday afternoon, we went with friends to do the "Jungle Adventure." The government carved out a tunnel to relieve water pressure when necessary, and it is far back in the mountains. We took our boogie boards and rode through with Zac on our backs.

Ha! Just kidding. Zac went with a girl around the tunnel and met us on the other side to watch us jump off a small cliff into the water. (Not as good as Kipu Falls, from what Brady says, but still very fun. Actually, if I'm being honest, I was completely freaked out.)

This picture shows the mountains around the Jungle Hike. If you are religious follower of our blog, you might notice that this is also the location of the infamous Tunnels Hike from last year. Whew. I feel like I need to take a shower just thinking about that hike.

Recognize this? It is the entrance in "Jurassic Park." We definitely didn't visit TRex, but Brady did almost fall off the side of a cliff trying to take a picture. No kidding. As Cory and Kristen know, there is a lot of foliage covering the ground, and it can be deceiving. It looked to Brady like there was plenty of ground cover, so his heart was racing when he saw how close he was to his demise.

After our little adventure, we kicked it back for a BBQ, playing with Brady's tiny football and watching Zac try on his charm.
Here's a cool view of a Eucalyptus Tree. It looks like it's been through a game of paintball, but those are natural colors!

Wednesday, I woke up as a 26-year-old, and Brady did a great job celebrating, despite his inability to breathe (with his cold). He arranged for a sitter, and took me to an Italian Restaurant called Donderos.

The setting was formal, and the scenary unbeatable.

"One year older, and wiser, too!"

I ordered Dungeoness Crab on a bed of pasta. They had the shell on the top, but the server removed it before we snapped this picture. See the scallops as eyes? I initially didn't know how to attack this plate.

Brady helped out, though. We would have taken a picture of his seafood lasagne, but it looked like Goolash (but 100Xs better-tasting).

Here are the pools next to the restaurant, where we snapped some cool pics, and got eaten by mosquitos.

Heidi, Nic, and Ty waited at our place to eat an ice cream cake (my favorite!). It was pretty fun having a birthday with my little boy in my arms!!!

Ty wasted no time eating his portion, and he helped blow out the candles!

Later this week, we purchased a high chair for Zac. Doesn't he look like a little boy (not baby) in this picture??? Wild.

Like everything else, he wasted no time trying to chew on it.

Rice cereal and Zac have good days, and bad days.

Overall, this was a good day.

Saturday, Brady was still sick and wasn't up for swimming. He did decide that a 6 mile hike was a good plan, though. We tried out our pack for its first real hiking adventure, and hit the Kuilau Trail. It was moderate-easy, and a perfect way to get back into hiking.

How many shades of green do you see above???

I loved how Zac's little feet kicked me in the bum with every step.

He fell asleep at the halfway point. It was funny to hear the mix of sounds--tropical birds and snoring.

Brady took him when he woke up. Zac kept trying to eat the straps (no surprise, eh?), so he had his head in a position where it looked like he was trying to say, "Hi, guys!"

The hike was a success! Zac didn't get upset until he very end, at bottle time. We'll definitely do that again soon.

There you have it: one week in pictures. What did we learn?
#1: We can hike with Zac.
#2: My white hat makes it on every adventure.
#3: My husband is a trooper, even when sick.
#4: I still don't like scallops, even when they are from a fancy restaurant.
#5: Brady's tiny football is missing ever since the BBQ.


Kristen said...

Three things:
I wish we would have known that you can go through those tunnels.

Zach is such a little hottie!

Do you remember the bike ride last year on your birthday?

NW Varneys said...

Happy Birthday, Karen!!! Maybe Zach looks even more pale than he actually is because it is in some very brown arms... Wow. By the way, we are very glad to see your outdoor adventures continue as a threesome.

NW Varneys said...

OK Audrey didn't sleep well last night so neither did I and that is why I just called Zach an "it". SIGH. Sorry. I'm going to bed now.

NW Varneys said...

I mean Zac....? Good night....

Em said...

I love the "what did we learn" section at the end of your entry. You're not a teacher are you Karen?

Cute pictures! Happy birthday! I had no idea eucalyptus's trees looked like that! They are beautiful!

Suburban Monkey said...

Loved the pics. I laughed out loud when reading the "what did i learn section"!! I hate scallops too! no matter how many times i try them thinking i will love them, i dont!

cory said...

This is the kind of post I've been waiting for! I love it -- all the food pictures! Mmmm.

Melanie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! It is amazing and more fulfilling to have b-days with little ones! They get even sweeter when your little one says in his very sweet voice..."happy birfday mommy!". What fun adventures you guys are the landscape is breath taking!! me..I still don't know what took you guys out to HI in the first place.

Anonymous said...

first things first:
-you're beautiful
-my favorite pic is of you holding zac with your birthday cake
-green is my favorite color - i think we should move to kauai
-i love scallops and wonder why you don't (where are their eyes? i was baffled trying to find them)
-i just had the best mexican food of my life in newport kentucky, but as usual, no photographs. it's just not eric's "style". i will make it his style here shortly.
-i'm a horrible friend. check your email.

Anonymous said...

i was trying to find eyes on the actual scallops. now i see the body scheme, that's funny!!!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, another thing: you better not have been comparing brady's lasagna to my goulash recipe!!! (actually rachael ray's) whenever i've made it, it looks AND tastes delicious!!!